Chapter 15

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*Chloe's P.O.V*

So now Fred and George knew everything. They didn't tell luckily enough for us.

I did feel bad they knew this and couldn't tell anyone like their family or Dumbeldore. But they did ask fro the truth and that's what we gave them.

They had helped us sneak some poison in from Knockturn alley. Though the plan was a major fail.

We had put it in a drink that Slughorn was supposed to give Dumbledore but he didn't. The idiot. We've tried sneaking in there and getting the poison back but no. Slughorn is really cautious and put up millions of protection spells.

Now anyone could drink it and die in a matter of minutes. We really did not want to kill a student. Scorp seemed the most worried about it though. That seemed to be all she was doing this year. Worrying.

I seen the old excited, fun, prank-loving Scorp when she was around Fred though. Hopefully next year she'll be back to her old self.

It is Ron's birthday today and Rebekah was really depressed when I seen her this morning. Apparently she wants to break up with Ron but today's his birthday so she can't. Then she doesn't want to break up with him tomorrow because then he would know she had wanted to break up with him for ages.

I just told her she was over thinking it and Ron wouldn't even think that much into if she broke up with him today or tomorrow. So she said she'd do it today.

I put on a T-shirt that had a skull on it, dark blue jeans, a leather jacket and some black high tops. I left my brown wavy hair cascading down my back until it reached half way down it.

My blue highlights were darker now because I had dyed them again. I was so jealous Rebekah could just change her appearance in seconds.

I went down the great hall and sat beside Scorp, who was at the Slytherin table. I know, weird a Gryffindor at a table with a load of Slytherins.

"Go away, Lovegood" Blaise sneered.

"Shut up, Blaise. No one wants to hear your complaining this early in the morning" Scorp hissed, rubbing her head. She still had dark bags under her eyes which were growing increasingly darker. Her hair was rougher as she was barely taking the time to wash it. She had on a purple T-shirt with 'I have no prejudice. I hate everyone equally' on it, light blue denim jeans, a black jacket with 'London' on the back and a pair of purple converse.

Rebekah and I had a plan to sneak some sleeping potion in her pumpkin juice next week. The potion makes sure she catches up on all her sleep until she no longer has dark bags under her eyes and is fully rested.

Its going to be a VERY useful potion. She had refused to let us do most of the work.

"Chloe, look what your little sisters T-shirt says" Scorp pointed at Luna. I looked over and seen her wearing a white T-shirt with the Ravenclaw symbol on it and 'a room without books is like a body without a soul'. I rolled my eyes at my weird little sister.

"A world without annoying, nerdy little sisters is called a job well done" I muttered. Scorp laughed. My eyes widened.

"Y-you l-laughed" I fake stuttered, pretending to be astonished. She rolled her eyes.

"I haven't lost my sense of humour you know. Come on let's leave, the Slytherins are giving us weird looks and I want to watch a good break up" she smiled, rubbing her hands together. She was happy, for once. She had became more of an emo lately and I just wasn't used to it. I think it had something to do with Fred and George saying they'd come to say happy birthday to Ron.

Which reminded me; I still need to talk to George.

Scorp and I got up and walked over to the Gryffindor table to find Beccy.

"Have you seen Ron?" she asked. We shook our heads. Then Terry Boot, a Ravenclaw, came up to us.

"Harry said Rebekah might want to know Ron's in the hospital wing" he muttered before running away. Why were people so scared of Slytherins?

We all looked at each other and started sprinting down the corridor and into the hospital wing.

Sitting by the bed with a sleeping Ron were Harry, Hermione, Fred, George, Ginny and Mrs. Weasley.

"Oh, my Godric" we all whispered together, causing everyone to turn to look at us.

"What happened?" Rebekah asked. Mostly because she obviously couldn't break up with him today.

"We were down at Slughorn's office, and he gave us a drink. There was some kind of poison in it. I shoved a bezoar down his throat before anything happened, though" Harry said. We all paled except Scorpia (who couldn't get any paler).

We all looked at Fred and George, who looked depressed. Well of course they are, they almost killed their brother. Then Ron started to talk.

"Her-my-knee, Hermione" he mumbled. Everyone looked at Rebekah. She just laughed.

"Phew, I thought I was the only one who thought this relationship was getting awkward. Can you tell him we're broken up when he wakes up. Oh and I wish you and him the best Hermione" she smiled. They nodded and Hermione looked surprised.

"You were going to break up with him?" she asked. You see she is smart. Rebekah nodded.

"It just didn't seem like a proper relationship. We barely seen each other other than meals. We never spent time by the lake or anything like Scorpia and Fred-" she was stopped when Scorpia put her hand over Rebekah's mouth. She let go and let out a squeal, wiping her hand on Rebekah's T-shirt.

"You licked me!" she exclaimed.

"What about Scorpia and Fred?" Mrs. Weasley's voice was dangerously calm.

"Mum, about that" Fred started.


I was sitting across from Scorp and Rebekah, in the room of requirements. We were trying to fix the vanishing closet.

"I have a question for you two" Scorp said. We nodded, motioning for her to go on.

"Why in Godric's name did we want to be Death Eaters. And do you want to still be one?" she asked. We shook our heads. It was stupid. We thought it would be easy but we wanted out. Being a Death Eater was not fun and games. But we were not cowards so we will not run. That's how the plan started. Our new plan. Our life-risking plan.


Another update! I got six hours sleep last night so I'm tired!! Thanks for reading.

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