Chapter 12

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*Chloe's P.O.V*

I got up the next morning at like seven o'clock, which I was not happy about. I mean thank you for depriving me of my sleep school. Thanks a whole freakin' bunch!

Sorry I'm cranky when I wake up. I put on my skirt, white blouse and Gryffindor robes on. I tie my scarf around my wrist because today is no-yes scarf day for Beccy, Scorp and I. Its where we have to wear our scarf, just not around our neck.

We only have that day because its an act of rebellion. You see, we don't like the scarves and they never told us any specific place we had to wear it on, and alas the point of no-yes scarf day.

I left my hair down in its natural wavy brown state and rushed to the great hall.

When I arrived, Rebekah was already sitting at the Gryffindor table. I walked over and joined her.

I noticed she was wearing her normal Gryffindor uniform but her red and gold scarf was holding up her high ponytail.

Just then, the doors to the great hall opened and in came Scorpia. She started strutting down the hall, very dramatically might I add. All eyes were on her. She was wearing her Slytherin uniform, with her scarf holding back her blonde straightened hair perfectly, like a hairband.

She flipped her hair and dramatically and started her way over to us. Just before she reached us she tripped on something and fell backwards.

Rebekah and I were the only ones that dared to laugh

Oh come on, she's not that scary.

"What are you doing?" I ask, noticing she was still on the floor.

"Hugging the floor" she said, with no sarcasm in her voice.

"Backwards?" I questioned her intelligence in my mind. Was she that stupid?

"I'm freaking talented!" she exclaimed, angrily. Rebekah laughed at the both of us but especially at my confused face.

Scorpia sighed, holding the side of her face in one hand.

"That awkward moment where your sarcasm is so advanced, the people around you think you're an idiot" she said, shaking her head. This made us all laugh.

The sound of owls swooping into the great hall interrupted us. A magnificent barn owl lay a letter delicately in front of Scorp.

"That's Fred and George's owl" she told us. We nodded.

She opened the letter and started to read aloud to us:

"Dear Scorpy,

I haven't seen or talked to you in a while. Its like we haven't talked since the thing happened with your father. Understand if you need someone to talk to, I am always here.

Why don't we meet up in hogsmeade. Just tell me the dateth of the first visit and I'll come and visit you. We really need to start speaking again. If I did something wrong please tell me.

                                 yours sincerely,


"I know you two are in a relationship but I don't think it would be a good idea to tell him just yet" I said. She nodded.

"I'll write back later and make up an excuse but I am seeing him on the hogsmeade visit" she said. We nodded.

"Come on let's get going" Rebekah said.

We all got our timetables and went to the first class that we all had together, which was potions.

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