Chapter 18

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*Rebekah's P.O.V*

Chloe still hasn't forgiven Scorp. I thought they would have by now but no.

It has been hard not looking like I've chosen a side but in truth this whole argument is nothing they should be fighting over.

I mean they're both wrecking a friendship over a boy. What is this, Twilight?

Since I had most of my classes with Chloe I always had to be around her for those but at meals I would sit beside Scorp at the Slytherins table.

I wish I could say they were both ignoring each other but no. Chloe has been sending hexes to Scorp in the corridors and even if she sees them coming she does nothing to stop it.

Scorp had been trying every chance she got to apologise to Chloe but Chloe wouldn't listen. I think there's more to this for Chloe than George. She doesn't seem to be crying over it or anything but she does seem angry at Scorp. I heard Chloe and George decided to be just friends.

Fred had not been talking to anyone and Ron told me that the last time he'd seen Fred he had been paler and skinnier. Not the good kind of 'I work out' skinny, no the 'I'm anorexic' kind of skinny.

I don't know why - if he misses her so much - did he say those mean things to her.

The vanishing cupboard is still broken but we're slowly fixing it again. We had found some new information and we now had a plan that had to work. Our special plan still needs to start but I need both Scorp and Chloe to work together for it to work. Which means the special plan will tragically fail if we try it at the moment.

Scorp's sleeping had gotten worst and you could tell in the time she had to sleep all she was doing was thinking. I had tried to slip the potion into her drink but she'd noticed and thought it was a cheering potion so now she refuses to let me sit with her at meals. She said something about me 'not understanding that giving her a cheering potion is a rude way of telling her she looks awful'. In truth it was stupid but Scorp was very easily annoyed these days and she was often alone.

I don't know what happened to the prank-loving, fun Scorp but I really hope she comes back soon.

I put on my grey skirt, white shirt, my wizarding robes, my Gryffindor tie and a pair if red converse. I put my black hair up in a high ponytail and put my wand up my sleeve.

I went down to the great hall alone and walked over to the Slytherin table. I sat next to Draco (whom I had been spending more time with since Scorp and Chloe's fight) and we talked until we had to go to our first class.

I was walking down the corridor when I seen Scorp and Chloe in the middle of (another) argument.

"Well maybe if you had of spent more time with him then he wouldn't have cheated on you!" Scorp exclaimed. This was the first time I had seen her fight back.

"Oh yeah and what kind of girlfriend kisses the twin of her boyfriend who she had JUST broke up with. Then Fred mentioned something about running back to a leprechaun. Did you cheat on Fred with Seamus Finnigan?" she spat. Seamus himself came up and tried to hold Chloe back but Chloe pushed him away. She moved forward to hit Scorp.

I quickly borrowed (yes I did ask) Neville's wand and levitated both of them into the air with Neville's and my wand.

"Look away, nothing to see here" I hissed at all the staring people. Haven't they ever heard that curiosity killed the cat. But then again a cat does have NINE lives.

I waited until I got to an empty corridor and put them both in a cupboard. I put my wand in my hair and kept Neville's up my sleeve.

"I'm not letting you two out until you have both forgiven each other and will talk to and trust each other again" I told them.

"You do know I can kill her with my wand" Chloe told me. I opened the door and grabbed both their wands.

"Not anymore" I said. I slammed the door shut again.

"I can kill her with my bare hands" Chloe told me. It wasn't a lie.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take" I replied.

"Hey!" Scorp exclaimed. I laughed and I heard Chloe snigger but she stopped quickly.

It was silent in the cupboard until Scorp finally broke it.

"I didn't cheat on Fred with anyone" she muttered.

"Then what did he mean by 'leprechaun'?" Chloe asked.

"That's what's confusing me. I did match it up to Seamus Finnigan as well because he's the only Irish guy I know. But I'm not even friends with Seamus so why did he say it?" she questioned. It didn't sound like she was asking us.

"You should ask him" Chloe told her.

"Trust me I've tried but he won't reply to the owls I send his way" Scorp sighed.

"We'll set it up" Chloe said.

"Thanks, and I'm really sorry about George I promise it will never happen again" Scorp promised.

"Don't worry I just felt that I couldn't trust you. I don't care THAT much about George. I didn't even really like him in that way. Your forgiven and I'm sorry for hexing you and making you faint" Chloe told her.

"You're forgiven" Scorp said. I opened the door to see them both hugging (well Scorp squeezing the life out of Chloe, she was a hugger) and I couldn't help but make it into a group hug.


Yay yet another update!! Fred and Scorpia will not be back into this until seventh year bit they will be mentioned and obviously Scorpia still in it just not her relationship with Fred. Thanks for reading!!!

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