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(( EDITED ))


Science Project

" Hey " I replied awkwardly. He just stared at me with a smirk on his face. " Look " I whispered, not wanting to be heard by the the teacher. " I'm really sorry about what happened and what I saw " I continued.

He laughed softly " It's ok ".

" I'm sorry, I was just working with my mother than i went exploring then i really had to pee then I walked in on you " I blabbed.

" It's OK " he repeated after he chuckled at my blabbering.

" Sorry " I spoke.

" You say sorry way too much " he smiled.

" Sorry " I smiled back at him.

" Good Morning students " Mr. Lotty said too the class gaining their attention.

" Good Morning " The class said as one.

" We have entered yet another school year and i expect that all off you will try your hardest and do your best. Not just in my class but in all your classes." He encouraged. " I know that each and everyone one of your are bright students, or maybe just rich " He joked, but no one laughed. " OK, lets get to work " He said because of the awkward silence.

" OK, your first assignment is going to be a experiment that your going to do with a partner " He spoke. " The person next to you is you partner for this assignment " he announced.

" Continuing off from what we did last semester " He spoke as he sat down. " I know we have a new student who just joined us but i'm sure she is more than able to catch up with us judging by her grades from her last school " as he said this the whole class turned to catch a glance me. 

 A hand in the front of the class went up. The hand belonged to a pretty blonde haired girl, she looked stuck up. I'm not going to judge a book by its cover though.

Mr. Lotty pointed her " Yes Ms. Katy ".

" Whats the experiment on? " she asked.

" I was getting to that " He rolled he's eyes annoyed. I think i was the only one who saw it.

I giggled to myself.

" I sent you all home over the summer with notes " he stated.

" Very long notes " a boy with braids shouted causing the class to laugh.

" It was literally a small book " the boy with a puff who sat on the side of braid hair boy said. He caused the class to erupted 'IKR's.

" Calm down " he yelled to the class and the noise ceased. " It wasn't that much. You guys had two months to read them "

" but also in those two months we had to party, drink, smoke and have sex " Jaden explained.

The class erupted in laughs again. I was shocked, if someone did that in my old school they would have immediately been thrown out class

Mr. Lotty placed his head in his hand. " Please Mr. Smith, This is a new term you should really try to lessen the amount of times you get kicked out my class ".

" I'll try " He smiled and turned to me. I just shooked my head and turned my gaze forward.

Mr. Lotty sighed " Anyway " he paused. " The notes were on Homeostasis " He spoke. " Hands up if you read the notes and understood them ". 

The Maid's Daughter ( Jaden Smith Fanfic ) ( INTENSE EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now