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" so, all of a sudden I heard 'bam'

and then the car jerked forward " she explained. " I was like 'the Fuck'. You know when words just automatically come out your mouth? that's what happened " she continued. " I quickly covered my mouth and looked over at the drivers ed teacher and he was already writing down something on his notepad with a disappointed look on his face " she added.

At that point in Zendaya's story I was laughing hard. As we walked to class she told me the story of her first time taking her drivers test and how her parallel parking was a fail.

" So that day I failed my drivers test and got a lecture on cursing " she laughed.

We arrived to poetry class about ten minutes before it actually started. There was only a few persons in the class. One of the persons was Katy and two other girls I would always see her eating lunch with.

As soon as me and Zendaya sat down I saw that their attention was drawn on me. I watched as Katy stood up and walked towards me.

She smiled as she stood in the front of us.

" Hey Zendaya " she greeted.

" Hello " Zendaya answered back unsure as to why she was talking to her.

" and you're Erin right? " she asked but I knew she already knew the answer.

" Uh huh " i confirmed.

" have you read the dress code manual? " she added looking down at my outfit with disgust clearly written on her face.

I saw nothing wrong with my light washed ripped boyfriend jeans, tan tank top, tan blazer, and brown sandals to match.

" I have " i replied truthfully. I did actually read the dress code manual, i actually read everything the school sent me by email when I first got accepted.

" well why are you dressed like that? " she asked confused.

" dressed like what? " I asked. Nothing was wrong with what I was wearing. If she was talking about my pants, nothing in the book said I couldn't wear this. I was quite surprise when I saw that, but I wasn't breaking any rules.

" like a hoe " she spat at me.

Hoe? I stared at her for awhile. She probably got uncomfortable because she awkwardly folded her arms on her chest.

I examined her outfit. She wore a peach skater dress along with a tan cardigan and tan flats to match.

" and how exactly are you dressed? " i questioned her.

She chuckled a little " the opposite of you, which is modest "

I cleared my throat and got up from my seat. Zendaya looked a little uneasy. She probably thought I was going to slap this ignorant girl, but I wasn't. I was gonna hit her with some knowledge.

" Who said that I dress immodest? " i asked rhetorically. " in the Victoria Era it was immodest to show your ankles. The idea of immodest is a social structure, its not concrete, it changes throughout history" i taught her.

" I can dress how I want and still be able to have significant deep thoughts about the world around me. I am a straight A student and the way I dress hasn't stop that " i continued.

" It's evident that someone could dress - as you would say 'smart' " I said putting air quotes on the word smart. " and still be ignorant as ever. The biggest example is standing right in my face " i finished as I looked her up and down.

The Maid's Daughter ( Jaden Smith Fanfic ) ( INTENSE EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now