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Next Day.

Date: 3rd September 2011

Time: 6:33am

Erin get up! my mother shouted coming in my room with amazement. Am up all ready. I responded. She stood in my door way for like 3 minutes until she finally said. "Whats goin on Erin?" She said in a quiet voice. Nothing, Why does something have to be wrong?" I said smiling. "Okay Erin be down for breakfast in twenty" She said leaving.

I did my regular routine what I do every morning. I picked out a outfit that represented how I felt, "Confuse".

A Green && White Stripe Dress that was just above my knees.

Sandals that had all kinds of different shapes &&  a lot of different shades of green.

I covered the dress with a faded jeans jacket 

A simple white headband was placed on my head as my hair was in a low pony tail.

After checking my self in the mirror and putting on my perfume, I packed my hand bag and went downstairs into the kitchen where my mother was at. As soon as I walked in my mother said " Erin whats wrong?". " Like what ?"I asked "Um do you see what your wearing?" She replied. "Um mom can we please talk about this after school or anytime else I need to get to school" I blurted out. " Okay ,okay after school we'll talk" She demanded. 

I took a bite of the Bacon Egg && Cheese sandwich, as My mother had just finished hers. " Okay Erin lets goo" She shouted. "Mom you have to be kidding me, I only took one bite!" I cried. "Bring it with you" she suggested as she got up from her seat to place the dish in the sink. "Okay" I said while getting up heading towards the cupboard.

I Took out the foil paper and wrapped my sandwich in it, then followed my mother out of the house and into the car. The first 5 minutes of the car drive was silent, so I turned on the radio && sang along to: Someone like you , && Stereo Heartbeat.

My mom stopped on the way to a nearby Starbucks. We both went inside,and to my surprise I saw Zendaya. Zendaya was sitting down drinking something with a man. I was about to go over but she came over to me first. "Erin! what are you doing here?" She asked "I could ask you the same thing, but am here with my mom cause she getting some coffee" I answered. " Oh, am here with my father, hes right over there" She said pointing to a man in a suit who was looking down at his blackberry. "Oh Okay, well that's my mom" I said pointing to my mom who was coming off the line towards us. "Hello" My mom said with a big smile. " Mom This is my friend from school, Zendaya"I showed her off. " Hi " Zendaya said . "okay Erin we have to get going now" as she turned her attention back on me. "okay see you at school zendaya" I said. Then she waved

When my mother dropped me off it was 5mins before the bell. I walked through the halls and as soon as I reached the homerooms door the bell rang. There was like five other people in there including our homeroom teacher. As I sat down all the students began to poor in && take a seat.

As the teacher began to take the register Jaden walked in with a girl who face I've seen around in some of my classes. He had his hand around her shoulder and they were smiling.  The girl had black straight hair she was pretty and short. 

As they sat down China McClain was called && the girl jaden was with earlier. After everybody's names were called the bell rang 2 minutes after. The whole class went to our next class history. Mr. Parker was a smart man everyone thought he was boring except for me and the rest of the smart children.

The Maid's Daughter ( Jaden Smith Fanfic ) ( INTENSE EDITING )Where stories live. Discover now