10. Cuddles and Bloodlust Should Not Mix

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I'd never really thought about whether vampires sleep. It made sense; vampire were living creatures, and therefore needed rest, but I'd just never though of them that way, as if they actually had lives and family and friends. I remember a time when I would often wonder about the vampire lifestyle, and would get frustrated when no one knew anything about it. That curiosity, however, was lost when Bianca was killed. After that, I just didn't care.

I stared at my captor's sleeping face, wondering if he was really asleep. He could just be pretending, I thought, waiting for me to become vulnerable.. But that didn't make any sense. After all, I'd probably been asleep for a full day after his friend knocked me out, not to mention that I was completely defenseless anyway, unconscious or not. If he was going to drink my blood, I decided, he would've done it a long time ago.

I slammed my head into the soft pillow. I'd never sleep at this rate. I was too on edge.

Without warning, Will's arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I pushed uselessly at his chest, though I knew he was way stronger than me, and I gave up quickly. It seemed like a cruel joke after I'd made a point of lying on the very edge of the bed to be as far away as possible. He's surprisingly warm... I shook my head, startled by the thought. This is stupid....

I sighed, trying to relax my muscles and let the smell of fabric softener lull me to sleep.

I woke the next next night to a mess of raven hair tickling my nose. The small boy shifted in my arms, but didn't wake. I'm not proud to say that I stared at his throat for a moment, thirst clawing at my own, before pulling him closer to me, enjoying the minty scent he put off. It was calming.

Nico snuggled closer to me in his sleep, tucking his head in the crook of my neck and bringing a sleepy smile to my face. He was like a large, living teddy bear. So cute. (A/N: This where it ends in my notebook today, but it feels to short! (381 word, including this author's note... -_-)

His eyes opened suddenly, and he might have shot up if not for my arms holding him down. I gave him a lazy smile. "Morning, Cutie," I said.

He glared at me. "Please, let go of me," he said, sounding like it took way too much effort not to throttle me.

I smirked, deciding to play with him. "What if I don't want to?" His glared deepened, and I laughed. "I messing with you," I said, letting go of him. He moved to edge of the bed, where he was when I fell asleep, and turned his back to me, looking ready to go back to sleep.

The way his head was positioned... I could so easily... No. My fangs throbbed. Stop it, Will....

I quickly slipped out of the bed and hurried to the bathroom, trying to get a grip. I stared myself in the mirror. My eyes had turned crimson, and my fangs were abnormally long. Dam it.. This was the down side of being me. The bloodlust. I hated it.

I searched around for a blood tablet, and, not having to patience to poor a glass of water, I chewed it up and swallowed it. It was horribly strong this way, but it was quicker.

I sigh. Too bad it doesn't work properly for me.......

Word count: 596

This chapter sucks. I'm so sleep-deprived, I can't even seem to form a proper chapter. *sighs loudly* I've probably gotten about thirteen or fourteen hours of sleep this week. (((Sleep is for people who don't read)))

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