Chapter 31

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Later that day in Gerard's bedroom, Gerard had his arm around my shoulder and I leaned my head against him. "Ever since Flames's death, Frankie's been looking a lot better. How'd you do that?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I just...talked." I paused. "What's Frank's sexuality?"

Gerard looked down at me, surprised. "I...I don't even know. A lot of people think he's bi."

"What about you? What's your sexuality?"

"Me? I don't know. Maybe I'm like...pansexual? I don't know. I have had feelings for Frank before, though. What about you? What's your sexuality?"

"I'm (insert sexuality). So you've had a crush on Frank? Did you two, like, ever date?"

"No. (y/n), what does this have to do with anything?"

I shrugged again. "I don't know. Frank said he was depressed since he had a crush on you since Lindsey was getting in the way. And then I got in the way. I can't help but to feel like it's all my fault that he was sad."

Gerard held me closer to him. "(y/n), Frankie doesn't hate you. He loves you, in fact. Sometimes people get very sad, but the people they love and make them happy will be there for them. You're one of those people (y/n). And besides, sometimes you don't need someone to love to make you happy. I'm sure Frank realizes that too."

I tilted my head up and kiss Gerard on the lips. His soft, but slightly chapped lips  kissed back. "You make me the happiest person on Earth." I whispered when we pulled back.

Gerard ran his thumb over my jawline. Imagine running your finger against Mikey Way's jawline. Ouch. "You make me really happy too, (y/n)." He kissed me again, this time with more hunger and passion. We fell back on his bed and Gerard pulled away, stroking my cheek. "Promise me you'll never leave me."

I held his hand against my cheek. "I will always stay by your side." We kissed again, but this time we were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Hey, guys." Mikey's voice said through the door. "If you guys  our doing it in there, I don't really want to hear it, but I think you should see what me and Jet found outside."

Gerard and I exchanged glances, then he got off me and  went to open the door and I followed. Mikey was standing there in the doorway with a hard expression on his face. "Look at this." He held up a flyer.

It was a picture of Gerard's face with a huge red X on it. Written in white words over his eyes read EXTERMINATE. The bottom left corner had a logo. BL/ind. The aftermath is secondary.

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