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Choi Youngjae's POV

Hurt. Everything was hurt. And I blamed Jaebum for that.

Once I opened my heavy eyes, the streaks of light hit my face, making the sight a little blurry. Groaning, I immediately sat up from the bed despite the grogginess that I needed to endure.

My head was throbbing with pain, so did my whole body. I could only gasped when a sharp pain ran through my back, especially at the bottom area. There was no doubt that my ass had been ripped into two.

Last night was a wild night. And the sticky cum inside my ass was a solid proof of it.

I looked around the room, only to find out that I was alone with my body naked. Searching my clothes weren't that hard because I saw those ruined clothes on the floor, waiting to be thrown away.


Drunk and wasted - I didn't know what was I thinking when I decided to lose my mind last night. My head that pounded painfully didn't even stop the  memory from flowing non stop, again and again.

I remembered clearly how I dig my nails into his back, how the air was full with my moans and whimper. The blush forming on my cheeks when I recalled the way I begged desperately at him, calling him daddy like it was the most natural thing to do.

I was sick.

Wrapping the blanket around my body, I slowly jumped out from the bed. But, my legs that  couldn't hold me up only made me stumbling to the floor with a loud thud.

"Oh shit." I cursed painfully when my nose hit the floor. With all the energy that I had, I pushed myself up again, being more careful this time. I was thankful that I could hold myself up even though I needed to endure the pain in my back.

The surprise gasp escaped from my parted lips once I saw my horrible reflection in the gigantic mirror. I seriously looked like I had been hit by a truck.

My neck and chest were full with love bites, leaving the skin with reddish and purplish colours. The scratches were there too, and it still hurt when I touched it using my hand.

Even how many times I had slept with different men, I never let them marked me. This fact only made me angrier because it seemed so easy for me to let Jaebum left hickeys on my body. I was such a fool for didn't have any self control when it came to Jaebum.

I could yell until my throat hurt but it can't never undo everything that happened. Frustratingly, I brought myself to the bathroom with heavy heart. Once I put the shower on and the water hit my body, I felt a little fresher than before.

But, my messy mind wouldn't let me calm down for a second, letting me thinking about Jaebum all over again. I must been insane for jumping into him last night. He was my enemy for God's sake! I loathed him so much that I even hoped to never meet him before.

That was what I planted on my mind every single day, convincing myself that he was the biggest scumbag that ever walked on earth. But last night, I couldn't resist him. The alcohol really effected me badly when I decided to crawl into him. I just lost control of my body, my decision- everything. I was sucked.

Once I finished with the  shower, I put on a simple shirt with white pants. My back was still hurt and making the movement seemed impossible. But, it didn't stop me from cleaning my messy bedroom. Groaning, I forced every muscle in my body to pick the  ruined clothes and the empty beer cans on the floor, then  throwing it into a big plastic bag. I moved to my bed and pulled the bed sheets off, changing it with another new one. After I was done with the cleaning, I went outside and sauntered slowly to the downstairs.

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