Chapter 10-I Feel it Coming

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I've been ripping off song titles and their lyrics as my Chapter Headings. 

You're welcome. 


Being apart of the seven had changed Snow's life. And she had only been a member for around two weeks. 

It wasn't the expected things that changed her- lying to students, getting involved in less than savoury conflicts and the constant need to intimidate- no, it was something else. Snow actually had more friends than she could count. Well, she could count them on both her hands, but still

Mavon, Dominic and Felix had fast become the people she spent a lot of time with, even inviting them over on a casual basis. Cohen and Tanner were getting there, Snow was still learning to not slap Abel for any derogatory thing he said about women and men in general. 

It was a good thing Snow decided, nodding to herself. Having friends was a good thing. 

Especially Mavon- who she was heading to meet at their favourite spot, Maccas. He was a ball of smiles, wit and genuine care. And Snow liked the feeling, the attachment that was growing for the male. 

She spotted him at the counter, head and shoulders above the rest, and sidled up next to him, swiping her card just before he could. The man would go poor if he kept buying her food. 

"Snow!" His smile lit his already handsome face up and Snow's mouth twitched in response. 


He grinned and waved her to a table, pushing her along before flopping in a seat himself. His eyes grew serious, but a twinkle of excitement still lingered. 

"Guess what" 

Snow's mouth twitched again. "What?"

He leaned closer, aftershave wafting over to her nose. "I had a fling for the first time in 2 years." 

She raised a brow, fist coming under her chin. "Of the male persuasion?"

"Of the male persuasion." 

Snow held up a hand, allowing herself to smile when he high fived her enthusiastically. The man had been blue ballin for a while, and it hurt to constantly hear about it. Not because Snow still had the ever rare V card, but because of the vivid mental images that accompanied Mavon's less than PG descriptions. 

"Good on you. Dick him down" 

Mavon made a gesture that made a snort erupt from Snow, startling the nearby group of girls who gave her a look, then started whispering immediately. 

And Snow heard them. 

The closest one- a ginja ninja- narrowed her eyes and murmured quite loudly. "That albino bitch is so fucking loud, why does she have to be that loud in a McDonalds?" 

Mavon's eyes widened, hearing the obvious jab. Snow's eyebrow twitched and she cracked her fingers, a small rush of annoyance running through her. Why did people always think it would be best to insult her skin colour? Especially since it was one of the most treasured things she had received from her father. 

In a second, she was standing next to the ranga bitch, fingers in her pockets. She leaned forward to the startled ginger, mouth curling back into a tight lipped snarl. 

"Do you want to say that again Orangutan slut?" She whipped her hand forward, gathering the girl's curls in one hand and pulling harshly. "Say one more thing about my skin, and I'll peel yours off your face and feed it to my dog" 

The girls friends all stood, but a chair moved from behind Snow, halting the girls in their steps. 

"You touch her, you die" 

Mavon's voice had gone dangerously low, sending a chill through everyone in the room. Snow straightened up, giving the ginger's hair one last pull before stepping away, shrugging as she felt the stares of numerous parents on her. 

A wary looking Maccas worker came forward, pushing a bag towards the white girl. She swiped it and slung an arm on Mavon's shoulders. 

"Will we get in the shit for this?" 


And that shit came later on that night. 


Snow knew she was emotionally stunted- knew it in the way she refused to tell Mavon anything about her life, or any more than he knew already. But you had to be emotionally stunted and then some if you didn't realize when I man used any excuse to see you. 

Brutus had left the safety of his oiled machine and stood at Snow's door, thick arms folded over an even thicker chest, dark eyes flicking back and forth between Mavon and her. 

"The girl you threatened tonight was the daughter or the mayor" 

Was this an excuse, or was he just angry? Snow sighed, letting the beast of a man in. seriously, she thought, what sort of twenty two year old grew this....big?

"We are very powerful people, but fucking with the mayor's daughter?" 

Yep, Brutus was pissed. 

Snow shrugged, falling onto the white sofa in the first lounge. Gervais Black inspired fear in anyone who had the horrible fate of going against him in any court case. A mayor's daughter? Child's play. 

His hard gaze came to Mavon, teeth gritting with unfaltering anger. "You should know better" 

But Mavon had been spending too much time with snow- and was learning how quick his tongue could be. "And you should know better than to act like a jealous teenager when some other guy infringes on a girl that isn't even yours" 

Even Snow acknowledged the jab, it was almost as good as dissing the size of his dick. 

Brutus bit back a snarl- only because it was his brother- and replied. "And what about you? Too much of a pussy to ever get one? finally becoming more than the wimp you are?" 

Snow stood then, standing by Mavon as if she was his own personal guard. 

"I'm not ever going to get pussy Brutus. Because I like dick." 

The bomb dropped and Snow waited to see if any damage would be done. To Brutus' and Mavon's relationship. 

Brutus stiffened, eyes piercing as he stared at his brother. Long moments beat by, only the sound of breathing audible. 

"You're completely sure you're gay?" Brutus finally said, tone stern. 

Mavon narrowed his eyes. "Yes. I'm sure." 

Brutus exhaled slowly, nodding to himself. "Is that why you've been distant lately?" 

Mavon shrugged a shoulder. "Probably. You're not exactly the easiest to come out to." 

Brutus stayed silent, tension draining out of him. "Yeah. Well, use protection." 

There was a silence until Snow laughed, a genuine, mirth filled laugh that surprised both the men in the room. 

Brutus was slapped by her smile, half in the surprise that she actually did smile, another half in just how beautiful it was. 

And Brutus never thought of anything as beautiful. 

She went to the kitchen, still scoffing to herself and grabbed two cans of coke and a bourbon. 

Her face went serious as she looked at mavon, chucking him a can before falling onto the sofa. 

"You can get oral herpes too, so make sure he's vaccinated." 

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