Chapter 14- Still Got Time

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Specially those that vote/comment. I honestly love the people that read my stories, ya'll are the funniest, nicest people ever. 

Do you guys want me to do a casting list? Idk. Comment on this if you do or w/e. 



What was a relationship to Snow? She shook her head and let her head fall onto Mavon's chest, gliding around the dance floor as if they were in their own world. 

A relationship used to mean something that just bought a shitload of drama, possible sex and in the end, a whole lotta heartbreak. But Snow had never actually been in a relationship, never really cared enough about a person to consider opening herself up to the possibility of affection...or love. 

She wondered if she could love. A depressing thought, but one that Snow considered deeply as Mavon swung her deftly around. 

It wasn't fair to her partner if she couldn't guarantee an eventual opening up -but it was also unfair if they couldn't wait for her. Emotionally and spiritually. 

"What are you thinking about, doll?" 

Snow looked up to Mavon, taking in his heavy eyes and thick locks of ebony hair. He would wait for her- had waited for her to open up. But since he didn't swing her way, life was made harder. 

"Do you think I'm capable of love?" Her voice was flat. 

Mavon lead them around for a few more seconds, pondering her question. "Do you love your dad?" 

She nodded immediately, hands tightening in his. Mavon continued. "Then love is possible for you." 

Snow didn't need anymore, just having someone believe that she could was enough. And Snow loved her dad more than anything in this world. She cared for Mavon- something that didn't come lightly or easily, and felt a deep lust for the man known as Brutus Clay. 


Snow shook her head, pushing her thoughts away from such trivial matters and slowing Mavon down. "I'm going to the bathroom" 

He walked her to the bathroom before leaving, telling her he'd save her food from the greedy hands of Dominic. 

Snow stared at herself in the mirror for a moment- only seeing ice and red- then brought out her lipstick and started recoating. 

"Did you see that Albino bitch Brutus brought with him tonight?" A voice muttered, disgusted. A new voice spoke up. "I think she's pretty. But she looks scary." 

Fair enough. 

The disgusted, nasally voice piped up again. "Pretty? Ha. I thought you had glasses for a reason, Penny. She's so white. If I wanted to look at someone that white, I'd cover my eyes in salt. Brutus made a mistake to bring her here." 

Snow snapped the lid back onto her lipstick and put it in her purse. Her face frosted over, impassive Queen back in full reign and she walked out, stopping next to the girls she heard talking about her. Right outside the toilet nonetheless. 

Penny- the nice one- was quite pretty too, in a plain sort of way. A kind, forgettable face with small lips but big, brown eyes hidden behind wide frames and tumbles of mahogany curls. Her jaw fell open when she spotted Snow, neck craned up to see the powerful form of Snow Black. 

The nasally princess was stunning- but not as stunning as Snow. She had feathery blonde hair and a Cherubic like face with an innocence that was stamped out in her gossip riddled speech. "Close your mouth Penny, I've said worse." 

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