First Impressions

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"The royal highness prince Cayden" The guard who opened the door announces

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"The royal highness prince Cayden" The guard who opened the door announces. Everyone in the room sits up starer and there intent gaze follows the princes figure as he confidently strides across the room. Wearing a slim fitting navy blue suit with matching tie the prince puts his balled up hands into his pockets. turning to face us reveals his sharp jawline, fluffy dirty blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Admittedly he is attractive. However, I know that behind this intriguing facade is a self-centred teenager. Just as his eyes scan over each one of us I see many girls adjusting their clothing, some even pulling down their already revealing necklines. Some people would do anything to make the prince interested in them. Gladly when I peer over to Grace she's siting there smiling sweetly. At least one other person hasn't completely lost their mind!

"Now ladies the prince will call you over one by one so that you can introduce yourselves. Until you are called you may talk quietly amongst yourselves." With this prince Cayden walks over to the blue sofas. I guess thats why they are there.

"How did you do that?" Grace asked in astonishment.

"Do what?" I counter in confusion. Has she lost her mind like all the others, all I was doing was glaring at the other girls antics.

"Didn't you see? The prince was staring right at you the whole time!" she exclaims failing miserably at hiding her jealousy, but I appreciate the efforts.

"Maybe he's already decided to send me home?" I suggest and am successful at calming her nerves.

"Yeah maybe" Grace agrees clearly thinking this is more logical."But you can't leave your my new best friend" she says with a big pout on her face. This brings a small smile to my face. I like the sound of that.

As the prince talks to more and more girls my stomach starts to become louder and louder. At this point all I want to do is eat, I don't even remotely care about the prince. Gradually the amount of girls dwindles down to just three; me, Grace and a red head who I think is Annabel. As the seconds tick by I become more inpatient. I've gaged that prince Cayden spends about five minutes with each girl, maybe six depending on who it is. Becoming restless I begin tapping on the desk I'm sat at causing Julia to shoot me a sharp glare. If looks could kill I'd be six feet under.

"Lady Emily" I hear prince Caydens low voice summon me. Getting up from my seat I silently wish that I don't fall over in my heels. Like walking on ice I take every step with increased caution. Once I reach the sofas I imminently release a sigh and sit down. Completely forgetting to curtsey. After I realise my mistake I make a move to get up but am stopped by a hand on top of mine.

"Don't worry about that" he dismisses my blatant disrespect and I respond with a nod. "So Lady Emily, I was looking over your application earlier this week and I vaguely remember that you have a sister."

"Yes your majesty" I answer looking down. How are you even suppose to talk to your future king?

"Don't be shy Emily. I did see you walk into a wall last night" he says smirking triumphantly as I look back up at him. I let out a gasp of surprise.

"That was you!" I accusingly point my finger at him."Why were you outside our rooms anyway?" I counter trying to turn the topic of the conversation away from my clumsiness.

"It is my home". That is a fair point. A few silent moments pass between us and we just observe each other. Prince Cayden leans forward intently with his elbows rested on his knees and his hands knitted together. His eyes roam my figure, making me feel extremely self-conscious. After a couple more seconds I gain the courage to ask the big question.

"Are you going to send me home?" I try and hide the growing hope. And then the most unexpected thing happens. He laughs.

"Of course not! Your the most interesting one of the lots. The others either swoon over me the whole time, which you haven't even done once, or have already tried to get in my bed" his laugh booms across the room. This causes Grace and Annabel to look questioningly at me.

"That last part was not needed" I mumble trying to avoid the two girls constant looks. All of a sudden Julia appears in front of us.

"Sorry to interupt Prince Cayden, but breakfast will start in a couple of minutes" she informs the prince while shooting me curious glances every other second.

"It seems Lady Emily and I have got a bit carried away with ourselves. Perhaps we could continue this conversation later?" he purposes with his ever present smirk. Deciding it would be unwise to deny him in front of Julia I nod in agreement and am escorted out.

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