Unexpected Visitor

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I ended up spending the whole day with Avery in the music room teaching her how to play the piano. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly she picked it up and with only a couple more lessons she will be able to play a whole song.

Now i'm back in my room  getting ready for dinner. Apparently Anne overheard some of the other maids mades talking about how their girls are going to wear short dresses to dinner tonight. At this news I got excited but my hope at finally not wearing a long dress for dinner was quickly crushed.

"We want you to stand out so you need to wear a long dress" Anne explains, clearly frustrated with my protests.

"But why can't I just wear what I would normally wear?" I question trying to convince them to let me wear a dress that won't stand out as much. I really can't deal with that much attention.

"Emily trust us" Gretel says squeezing my hand for comfort. Deciding to let them do their thing I stay silent.

Looking in the mirror i'm surprised to say I don't look hideous. My blonde hair is done up in a respectable bun, that gives the impression of elegance and the dreaded dress isn't so long that I'm going to trip on it.

 My blonde hair is done up in a respectable bun, that gives the impression of elegance and the dreaded dress isn't so long that I'm going to trip on it

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"So... How do I look?" I hesitantly ask the three girls. To my complete surprise they all start gushing over how I look.

"You look beautiful!" Anna starts.

"Just like a queen" Gretel adds.

"You look hot. The prince won't be able to take his eyes off of you" Lucy finishes, making us all burst out in laughter.

"Thank you" I say hugging them then making my way to the stairs.

The moment I see ,the now smaller, group of girls I realise that Anne was right. All of the girls are wearing short dresses, but not only that, but they are all in neutral tones. I'm surprised that even Alice is following this trend, although her skirt is much higher than everyone else. As some of the girls start to notice my presence they glare at me or try to ignore me. How rude! what have I done to them? Just as I'm about to ask why the hell is everyone mad at me Julia appears. Great timing as always.

"Come on girls we don't want to be late" she says as her eyes wander through the collection of girls and a confused look passes her face before she masks it. Me too, Julia. I honestly have no clue what has gotten into everyone.

Waiting to enter the dinning hall isn't that terrible as there's fifteen less girls to wait behind. Come to think of it, we never actually got told what happened to them. By the looks of it my theory was right. They must have got kicked out.

"Lady Emily, you look lovely this evening" Julia says approaching me.

"Thank you" I shyly reply feeling extremely self-conscious.

"It seems all the girls have started to copy you" she comments with a knowing look. Hang on a second did she just say copying me. Why would they want to do that? "It's time to go in now" she gestures towards the door. Before I can even begin to ask her what she was talking about early I am ushered towards the door.

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