•Chapter eighteen•

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Maddie_ox your cover, wattpad wouldn't let me send it, I love your book it's amazing! I hope you like it😊😊

Edythe's pov

Do you know what I like about Ferrero Rocher's?
They come in classy wrapping that if you add wings on it, they'll look like the snitch off Harry Potter. Then you bite into it, the crisp chocolate on the outside and the milky inside. Yum..

Then there's the nut. Some people like the nut, and others don't.

I don't, so right now, this situation is like that nut in my Ferrero Rocher chocolate ball. Hard, annoying, taste-clashing piece of tree.
It's like that nut from ice age, which completely messes up everything because of that stupid squirrel.

I'm that stupid squirrel.

Remember at the very beginning, before I spilt the coffee on Eugene, how I was serving Pizza to that couple that was smooching? That couple that made me spill the coffee while smooching? Yeah, that one...

Apparently, the girl was Eugene's Ex-girlfriend.
And she broke off with that other guy and is now is trailing back on Eugene.

That's the nut part.

And I'm the stupid squirrel that made her my worst enemy. So technically, she's the squirrel chasing after Eugene which is it nut.

Is that confusing? Point is, she's after Eugene again. It worries me that after he told me he likes me and possibly falling for me, he could change his mind. Her name is Molly, typical blonde, blue eyes, and long legs. Someone he would go for.

He broke up with her for a reason, obviously. But that doesn't mean that she can win him back. Not that I'm jealous or anything.

So it started when she knocks on the door of the mansion.

"Oh, you must be house keeping." She smiles, her blazing blue eyes burn holes into mine.

"Ah, no I'm a friend of Eugene's." I glare at her, a bit insulted.

She frowns. "Oh." She looks over my outfit and my body like it's a map to the dump pit.

"I wouldn't think your the kind he goes for. Well, are you leaving? He only does one nighters, or are you lucky enough to get two?"

I was taken back. How dare she? That's disgusting.

"Well I think you will be lucky enough to get any at all." I say with a slight tone in my voice.

What am I doing? I can't make an enemy.

"I know you." She sneers, ignoring my sentence.

I cringed as the image of her and her boyfriend snogging at table 5.

"You were the one that served us the pizza, and you were the one that was in my way." She points her perfect nails at me.

"You made me trip and spill coffee all over Eugene." I snap back. Way to go, you couldn't keep your anger under control for five seconds?

"Are you blaming-"

"What's going on here?" Eugene interrupted, coming behind me. My hair on the back in my neck stood on end.

Oh lord.

"Molly." He says bluntly. He immediately placed his hand on my arm, steering me back gently.

"I missed you." She gushed with her eyes filling with water.


"Why are you here?"

From the time of his voice, I knew, that he wasn't going back. I was glad, because I know already that she was a bitch.

"I came to see you." She frowns a bit. "And then I see that." She glared holes in my eyes.

I look down uncomfortably, glaring holes in the floor. I stopped myself from making a further mistake of slapping her or dragging her to the lake for her to drown, but I decided against it.

"This is Edythe and if you ever want to step foot in this house you will call her by that name."

My heart beats faster at how he's defending me. I hid a small smile, then look up to see the blondes expression. She was annoyed.

"Fine, Edythe." She gritted through her teeth. "Nice to meet you."

But instead I heard 'nice to see that there's someone after my ex-boyfriend you absolute, son of a-'

Eugene clears his throat, cutting off my thoughts. I look back at her. "You too." I fake a smile.

Pfft I'd rather stick needles in my eyes. Or her eyes.

"Ah, anyways, maybe I'll come back later since your a bit... occupied." She winks at Eugene and glared at me before turning on her black heels and walking back to her fancy car.

I wanted to run after her, grab her shoes, and stab her in the eye with her heel.

"Stop thinking about murdering her." Eugene chuckles lightly. "You look like your about to rip her hair out."

"I could, there probably fake like the rest of her." I say shutting the door.

I turned around to walk to the kitchen but I was blocked by Eugene, that had me trapped with is hands on the door either side of me.

I stopped breathing.

"Are you jealous, sweetheart?" He smirks.

He's obviously in a playful mood. I cross my arms at the name he gave me.

"Not being sugar sweet?" He smirks again tilting his head.

How do you breathe again? It's something to do with the lungs and oxygen and alveoli but I can't seem too think how to make that work. I did human biology in year 12, but everything seemed to slip my mind at this moment.

"Are you alright, love? You seem a little... dumbfound." He couldn't wipe that smirk off his face. He knew exactly the effect he had on me.

"N-no. I don't know what your talking about." I gulp. He was very close to me, that I could feel the heart radiating from his body. It made my knees tremble.

"I think you do."

I don't reply, my mind racing wild thinking if he would actually kiss me again. What will happen this time? Will he brake it off again? Would he regret it and realise he actually has feelings for Molly?

He was so close to my face. At this moment, I felt jealous. I wanted him to kiss me. For some reason, gravity was somehow drawing me closer to him.

"Please don't worry about her, love, there's no need to be jealous. You've got me wrapped around your little finger." He smiles a bit, and then I feel the cool air reach my skin as he backs away from me.

I breathe. And as I breathe out my heart sinks as low as my breath as I watched him down the hall way

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