Dillema | Ch.5

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Skips a few days

As I was walking the halls at school with Geo I bumped into Sam . Sam suddenly started telling me how beautiful I was and saying how he wanted me so bad. Geo then started screaming at Sam telling him how he was gonna kill him if he didn't stop.

"Geo I swear to god, talk to me again and ill hurt you " Sam said angrily

"Go ahead" after geo said that Sam jumped at him and they starter fighting.

I kept screaming stop, stop, stop but all they said was wake up.

"Wake up"

"Wake up"

I then opened my eyes to someone telling me to wake up.

"Hey, wake up" I heard my dad say. "Your friend Geo's here"

"Where is he" I said in a raspy voice

"Downstairs waiting for you" my dad said while walking out.

So after that I quickly went to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth and brushed my hair.

"Ugh my outfit" I thought. So I found a grey striped halter top body suit and ripped boyfriend jeans

After that I went downstairs and saw Geo on the couch.

"Geo!" I said then walk to him and gave him a hug.

"Hey babe" Geo said smiling


"So..., why are you here?" I said

"Sorry I tried calling you but you weren't picking up" Geo shrugged his shoulder. "I came to see you, I wanted to hang out at your house"

"Oh okay , thats okay um come with me upstairs"

"Okay" Geo grinned

I felt weird idk, I kept thinking about my dream I had.

"Hey so which one is your room" geo said since I kinda blanked out

"Oh haha right here" I said while opening the door.

We both sat on my bed and right when I checked my phone I got a call from Sam.

Me: "um hi"

Sam: "Hey"

Me: "Hi"

Sam: "So I was
wondering, do you
wanna hang?"

Me: "Sorry I'm busy
maybe another time"

Sam: "Okay thats fine,

Me: "Whenever"

Sam: "okay bye ill text

Call ended

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