Ch. 18

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*knock, knock, knock*
i heard someone knocking at the door not thinking at all about who it was or who it could be.

"JAKE GET THE DOOR" i yelled from the living room.

"alright alright" i heard jake say while walking towards the door .

"hey is Madison here?" i heard from the couch.

"dude, what are you doing here" i heard jake respond.

"i just really want to talk to her"

"madi someone wants you" jake said while walking away.

as i was walking towards the door my vision kept getting clearer and clearer and i realized that it was Geo.

"what are you doing here"

"i just wanna talk, can i come in?"

"no we can talk right here" i said looking at Geo blankly

he stared for a sec and started talking

"okay, first i wanna say sorry, for all the things i made you go through. all the times i hurt you and i wanna make it up to you"

"no, now that i found someone that likes me for me you wanna ruin it? all you ever want from me is sex. that's all you ever wanted" i said looking down.

"that's not true, i love your personality. your beautiful face, i love how you actually care about people's feelings. unlike me. and i'm working on it but it's just hard".

"what's hard" i said rolling my eyes.

"when you get so used to people treating you like trash and with no respect, you tend to try not to let people in" geo said.

"what do you mean"

"nothing i just want to make it up to you, please"

"by doing what"

"get ready, it's a surprise" geo said

"okay i guess so" i said rolling my eyes.

after i got ready we got into Geos car and it was mostly silent. during the car ride he was trying to make small talk but i wasn't having it.

"okay we're at your house.." i said kinda disappointed

"yeah i know but i have a surprise".


while we were walking up to the door i was wondering why the hell im here again, i'm not about to fuck him. ugh he's annoying.

we walked to the door and he opened it.

"meet my mom" Geo said while smiling from ear to ear.

"oh my you're so beautiful" she said while coming up to me then hugging me and of course i hugged back.

"you staying for dinner?" she said

"yes, she is" geo said smiling

"okay" Geos mom said winking at him then walking away.

"let's go to the living room" Geo said while grabbing my hand to lead me.

i wasn't expecting that. i thought he would took me in his room and try something. i like this.

"so do you have any siblings" i said trying to start conversation

"no but my mom has a baby coming soon" geo said a little excited

"really? i didn't even notice" i said shaking my head

"well she's only 2 months in" geo said

"ohhh okay"

"so where's your dad" i said curiously.

"well my dad doesn't live with me but my stepdad is at work"


Geo and i talked about our lives for a little, kind of like catching up. it was cool i really liked being here with him especially since i met his mom.

"dinners ready" Geos mom said about an hour later.

it was about 6 o'clock and i heard the door open and a man came in.

"hi honey" i saw him say then kiss Geos mom.

"join us for dinner" she said taking his bags.

i'm assuming that was Geos step father.

we all sat on the table and Geos stepdad said hi to me.

"hi i'm Max, Geos step father"

"hi i'm Madison" i said grinning

"are you and geo dating?" Geos mom said while we were eating.

"um not yet" Geo said before i could answer.

"yeah, not yet" i also said trying not to smile.

after an hour passed by of us talking, eating then eating desert me and Geo went back to the living room and talked for a little.

after that Geo asked me if i wanted to go home and i said yeah and that it was getting late. it was about 8 and i didn't want to invade his parents space.

we got to the car and that first thing i said was "you're mom is a sweet heart, i really like her"

"yeah me too i love her" Geo said while starting the car.

"you're step dad is also nice"

"yeah, he's done a lot for me and my mom" Geo said while driving out of the driveway.

after the car ride i sat in the car for a little and looked at him. i miss geo and i love this side of him.

"bye" geo said smiling then giving me a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"bye" i said smiling too.

when i got inside i saw my dad and jakes mom were in the kitchen cleaning up dinner.

"you missed dinner, how was Geos" my dad said.

"it was cool, i ate dinner over there" i said smiling

"okay" my dad grinned

after that i texted Geo saying thank you and he texted back immediately responding with "of course :)"

i went to the shower took off the little make up i had on and went to sleep.
i am so mf sorry. i haven't updated in a long time. i literally just didn't know what to write about but here's a chapter finally 😭😂😂. hoped you liked it.

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