pt.2 Jealous | Ch.12

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continuation of pt.1 Jealous

Madison POV
so when Jake hugged me it seemed like Geo got angry and i kind of didn't care because i was still pretty side eyeing the fact that he was walking out of class with a girl and hugged her.

as we went inside and walked upstairs Geo instantly kind of whispered "what was that all about"

and i said "chill he basically lives with me"

"why is he always here" geo said and rolled his eyes.

"i don't know, his mom doesn't trust him home alone" i said

"he's home alone here" Geo questioned

"well he can't fuck up someone else's house or else, law suit" i said laughing and he laughed too.

we got into my room and the first thing i asked was if he wanted to watch Netflix and he agreed so we watched friends.

we both went on my bed and started cuddling and he kept on going on his phone which i didn't mind because it's his phone he can check it if he wants to. but his volume was down and i kept hearing quiet iMessage notifications. he was also laughing and continued to laugh.

so i looked up and said "why are you laughing, i wanna laugh too and i looked up and glanced at his phone and it said Kelsey.

who's Kelsey?
is Kelsey that girl that's been walking out of class with him?
and those questions continued to race through my mind and i acted like i didn't see a name.

"i'm laughing because uh one of my friend sent a funny text" he said

"what did it say" i said smiling and putting my chin up against his chest.

"nothing, come here" he said and grabbed my face and kissed me. i let go of the kiss and said "be right back im gonna go downstairs to get snacks"

and the first thing he said was "can i come with" and i nodded.

surprise, Jake was downstairs in the kitchen and he was shirtless. he looks so hot but i couldn't stare cause you know Geo would get mad.

"hey soon to be sister" Jake said

"i'm not your sister" i replied.

"okay okay"

i opened up the cabinet where the snacks were and before i could grab the fruit snacks Geo turned my chin and kissed me then he got a texted and said "wait"

when i went in to kiss Madison i got a text from Kelsey. She's this girl in some of my classes and she was cute but i think she was trying to get at me and i didn't stop her. i don't know why.

"another text" Madison said

"sorry baby" i said back

"hey Mads come here" Jake said all the way in his room.

she went to his room and told me to stay here and i jokingly rolled my eyes.

and since she left me i immediately continued my conversation with Kelsey.

Kelsey: send pics ;)

Geo: nah, you know
i got a gf :/

Kelsey: she won't know

Geo: ill think about
it ;)

"i'm back" Madison said and instantly tried making out with me. i felt guilty for sending that text but i got jealous and in the moment i wasn't thinking about her feelings.

so when she kissed me i broke the kiss and said "i'm gonna go home now, sorry i feel sick" and i put my hand on my stomach.

"okay" she said.

Madison POV
he was leaving at 8? he would usually stay later but i guess he was "sick".

i think he was lying but i just went along with it because he was on his phone all day probably texting Kelsey. So for the rest of the night i just went to bed.

thank you guys for commenting 💖💖 i feel like i'm writing for people now and that makes me happy💘 sorry ch was short 😞

don't be a ghost 👻💖 like, comment, and follow me

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