Chapter 3: Healing.☑️

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It's been about a couple months since the accident. My wound is almost fully healed, but still sore in some places. Mom and Dad think it's best for me to just stay home this school year, so that I don't have to worry about anything I'm missing or the stress of it all.

Actually, before coming home for my spring break, I had felt more on the home sick side anyway.

Its about 10:30 a.m. when I finally decide to hop out of my queen size bed, grab a bra and underwear, and head to the bathroom to take a shower. When I see that my skin is red enough from the nice "warm" water, I get out. Who doesn't love looking like a lobster after a great shower.

I dry myself off, put on my undergarments, and walk over to my dresser to put on some grey skinny jeans and a white flowy t-shirt. I let my straight hair air dry, throw on my cream colored converse and make my way downstairs to start the day.

"The Queen is up! And how are you this fine morning, your majesty?" Jenna jokes as she pours herself a cup of coffee and makes some toast. I giggle and played along to her childish ways.

"Very well, love. Where is my peasant of a brother and sister?" I ask in my best British accent. Jenna smiles brightly, "They're off to school, mate."

I'm guessing Jenna tried to do a British accent too, but failed miserably as it sound more of an Aussie accent.

I laugh so hard that it hurts my sutures. "Wow, Jen. That really bad."

She glares at me with a small smile and scoffs. "Hey, at least I tried!"

I shake my head and giggle as I walk around the counter and plant a morning kiss on my aunts cheek. Footsteps lightly echo through the house as someone makes their way down the stairs.

I grab an apple from the fruit basket and rinse it off in the sink when I hear my mothers calming voice. "What are you two giggling about?"

I imagine Jenna's eyes rolling as she snickers, "My sorry excuse for a British accent."

"Please don't do it again, or my ears will bleed." I beg, turning around to lean on the counter near the fridge. Mom grins as she pours a cup of coffee for herself. She then places the cup down next to Jenna and makes a bee-line for me, tucking my hair behind my ear before kissing my forehead.

"Morning mom." I state sigh lovingly. "Good morning my love. You doing anything today?"

I took a bite out of my apple as she returned to her mug. "I was thinking about going for a morning walk. I wanna get back into my old routine if I'm gonna be here all year. Then I'll maybe grab a bite at the Grill on my way home."

Mom and Jenna share a smile and then look back to me. After taking her first sip of joe, mom replies, "Sounds like a normal day, sweetheart. Just make sure you call and let us know where you are in a few hours. And please be careful."

I push off the counter while saying, "Always." I kiss both, my mother and Jenna on the cheek, before practically running out of the house yelling, "Tell dad I'll be back later. Love you guys!"

There's not a single gray cloud in the sky and the spring air is nice and breezy. Without much thought, my legs take me to the tree line and down the path I'd walked on many times before.

About five minutes into my walk through nature, I feel a presence behind me. I quicken my pace a little, and slow back down when I see no one behind me.

"Strange." I whisper to the ground and trees, trying to shake off whatever uneasiness was still radiating off my body. I'm not going I?

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