Chapter 12: I Think I'll Take You Up On That Offer☑️

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Veronica's POV
After our mini argument, Damon and I stare at the fireplace in silence until I decide to speak up.

"I think we need to address the elephant in the room."

Damon shifts. "And what might the topic be of this elephant?" I gulp and look down to my hands that laid properly in my lap.

"I don't know...I guess the status of whatever we're doing. Are we friends? Friends with benefits—although the benefits will be cut off pretty soon due to obvious measures." I state and turn to face Damon. He smirks and just pulls me back to lay against his chest, both of us relaxing on the couch.

There was a soft sigh before that charming voice made a sound. "I think I can speak for the both of us when I say we're obviously more than friends. You're not just some surrogate."

I peak up at him. "Then what am I to you, Salvatore." He tilts his head down and looks over my face. "Must you insist on me becoming some sappy love struck idiot?"

"Yes because—it's the way you do things that lets me know your all in. And that this isn't some game to you. That I mean more than the next girl—Katherine even. And maybe—just maybe, you'd give the slightest thought of forever...with me." I confess. Damon's face was blank, quickly becoming distorted until I saw nothing.

My eyes snap open as I gasp at the ceiling in our room. "Hey, you're okay." Damon soothes as he quickly turns over in bed. The table lamp is turned on and my head turns to face him as I try to control my breathing.

"It was just a dream." He states knowingly. Just a Dream? My brows come together in confusion and a hint of realization. "Were you in my head?"

Damon tilts his head like a dog who is trying to read an expression or hear a sound better. "What?

Slightly annoyed, I sit up. "You were in my head. Weren't you."

Damon looks over my face like in the dream and slightly winces, "Only for a few seconds." I roll my eyes and scoff, folding my arms over my stomach. "And why is that? What was so important to cowardly fish inside my brain instead of asking me face to face?"

Damon's face reddened in the slightest bit as he had been caught. "I'm not good at telling you my feelings, Veronica. I thought maybe this was—I don't know...a scape goat? I thought talking to you through your dream would trick my own brain into telling you how I really feel...about us." he really feels—about "us"?...don't get your hopes up V.

I tone down the hormonal anger and become slightly flustered. "You could have just talked to me. I would've told you."

"No you wouldn't. You'd try to sell me some annotated version of what you really feel and leave me to figure out the rest." Damon exclaims. I grimace and rub the back of my neck. I do have the habit of leaving out major details when it comes to letting people in.

I try to find the words as I look around the large room, noticing the clock that reads 6:28 AM. "I guess this conversation is really happening right now." Damon sulks down into his pillow and whines, "Do we have to?"

I roll my eyes. "You're the one who thought it'd be a great idea to sneak into my unconsciousness to try and have this conversation, rather than talk to me in my conscious state, so yea."

We both scoot back against the headboard with little space between us. The only audibility was the sound of our breathing. I pinch the palm of my hand and tell my subconscious to suck it up and speak her mind. "Everything I said in that dream was true. But if I recall correctly, you were very silent on the matter. And I would greatly appreciate it if you don't make me repeat what I said in said dream."

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