Chapter 17: You are My Life☑️

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Veronica's POV
I wake up to a few painful kicks and wince. "Alright. I'm up." Damon whines. I snicker and peak at him through one open eye. His back was pressed against my 8 month old belly and our little girl was ready to get us up to start the day. "She's a bossy little thing." I say softly while rubbing wherever her tiny feet land.

Damon turns over so his six pack was now flush with my stomach. "She keeps this up, she can be a kicker for the footfall team." I wipe the sleep from both eyes and smile, "No kidding. Last week she bruised my ribs." Damon looks at my bump and shakes his head. "Well she's stronger for an average baby, that's for sure. But don't you think we should pick a name already? We don't want to keep calling her little one, baby girl, and she her whole life."

I roll my eyes and slowly pull myself up against the head board. "I've actually been thinking of a few names that would go great with our hyphenated surnames."

"Oh, we're hyphenating now. Since when was that an option?" Damon asks with a smirk as he gets out of bed and walks over to his closet. I fur my brows, but continue. "I just figured it was a good idea—so she could be proud of both her lineage. She is part Salvatore part Gilbert after all."

Damon rummages through a box he had pulled down and flashes something into his pajama pants pocket. "I love that you think that's what we're doing—honey, I adore your symbolic gesture, but it's a mouthful." I look at the huge bump and sigh. "You're probably right." Damon closes the closet door and heads back over to the bed and stretches out on his side, facing me. "Why don't I go downstairs and make you breakfast while you change into the outfit I bought for you. The mayor is throwing some stupid kick-off for the founding families tonight and you are my date."

My smile grows into a smirk. "You got me an outfit? All by yourself?" Damon rolls his eyes and smirks back. "A man can imagine what looks fantastic on his girlfriend without her being present, thank you very much." I giggle and lean over to kiss his head. "If I don't like it, we're taking it back." I inwardly laugh knowing Damon would take a little offense to my statement, but he just hops up and replies, "Oh, you'll love it—as much as I do."

I head into the bathroom and shower. Once finished, I wrap a big fluffy towel around my naked body and head back into our bedroom. On the bed laid a maroon and cream maternity dress that looked to stop just at the knee with matching flats. "Wow." I smile. I guess Damon really does understand my taste in clothing. I pull on a bra and panties and then slip on the dress. The top was maroon, with laced sleeves, and the skirt part was cream, that flowed beautifully over my stomach. I was nervous that wearing a dress would make me look fat, but this particular one did not.

The shoes were also maroon with pearls embroidering the ankle strap. It took me a few minutes, but eventually I was completely dressed. I blow dry and curl my long brown hair, create a side part and pin the top half back. My makeup was kept minimal, but concealer and mascara were a must. After brushing my teeth, I head down to the kitchen to be greeted by the sweet aroma of cinnamon and sugar.

"I thought I'd switch it up and make some cinnamon sugar waffles." Damon smiles as he pours the batter into the waffle maker. He hasn't looked at me yet, so I quickly walk up behind him and hug his torso, placing my cheek to his back. "Before I look, do you like it?" He asks. I smile and kiss the dip in his back where his spine is. "I love it very much."

Damon turns in my arms and looks down at me, eyes twinkling as a smirk plays on those perfect lips. "You have to admit—I'm good." I roll my eyes with a smile and swat his bare shoulder. "Shut up." He chuckles and slides his hands to my waist before pulling me to him as close as he could. "You look—ravishing." My cheeks start to burn. "Careful Mr. Salvatore. Don't want to burn those waffles." Damon winks, earning a short giggle from me as he brushes his soft lips against mine.

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