Chapter 14: Its Not Like I Can Kill Him☑️

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Damon's POV

After confessing our true feelings to one another, Veronica seems more calm and collected. The music starts to pick up tempo and I give her a look. "I'm definitely not dancing to this. That's Stefan's thing."

She smirks and looks over to her right. "You're lucky I see my friends. Why don't you hang with your brother and scout while I mingle. Then you can show me those dance moves I know you're purposely hiding."

I roll my eyes and smirk. "I will do no such thing." Veronica steps on her tip toes as if she were to kiss me, but quickly turns away. "We'll see." I continue to smirk at my girl as she walks away and heads over to her friends and Elena.

When I reach the table my brother was leaning on, I nod once as to ask if he sees or hears anything and he shakes his head. I take my place next to him and we both scan the gymnasium and everyone who comes in and goes out.

Boredom struck after a few minutes so I tune in to the girls' conversation.

"What's Damon doing here." Bonnie asks annoyingly. Veronica scoffs, making me smirk. "He's obviously with me. I promise he'll behave."

"So what is this—like a foursome now? The Gilbert sisters and the Salvatore brothers?" Caroline pipes in. "Actually, Caroline, yes—seeing as Elena and I have a Salvatore each. Now, you can either shut up and tolerate it, or you can get about a hundred feet away from me before I do something I might consider regretting."

I snicker at the same time Stefan whispers, "Someone is territorial."

"Well, when you have an actual booked in soulmate, things like that tend to happen...which I don't mind. It's kind of kinky if you ask me." I smirk.

Elena turns to her sister with a disapproving look. "What my sister means by that is...since I'm with Stefan, I'll have to learn how to tolerate Damon. Plus—it's not like I can kill him." I roll my eyes purse my lips.

"There's a thought." Bonnie glares in my direction, followed by blondie, "I'll help."

A very sarcastic laugh came from Veronica, which worries me because I wouldn't want her to lash out unintentionally. "Bonnie, need I remind you of my mood earlier tonight at the grill. We wouldn't want that happening again now, would we?"

I stop scanning and quickly look to the group, ready to intervene. I'm not gonna lie, I was enjoying Bonnie's heart rate spike and her feared expression.

"V, calm down. Grams caught me up on the latest—the anger, it's not good for you or the baby." Briana warns as quietly as she could, but little miss nosey was listening too closely. "Wait, you're pregnant?"

The other blonde grabs blondie by the arm to silence her. "Say it a little louder, Caroline! I don't think the Dj heard you!" Elena took that as her cue to come back to her boy toy and I practically waltz to take her place with the girls. Veronica takes a deep breath and smiles when she sees me.

"Hi, Bonnie! Wanna dance?" I ask with a smirk. Briana and Lilly look at each other with a single perfectly arched brow raised. Caroline is mute while Bonnie gives me a look of disgust. "I'm out of here." The cousin and her lover inform Veronica they'll be on the dance floor and Bonnie goes to leave in the opposite direction, but I block her way. "Please give me another chance?"

Bonnie just rolls her eyes and squeezes past me, not without bumping my shoulder with her own. "Back off, Damon." Caroline sneers and follows her friend outside the gym, leaving me and my girl.

Veronica's POV
I lean on the table a roll my eyes at my smirking boyfriend when Elena and Stefan walk over to us hand in hand. "Where did they go?"

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