Chapter 18: Dont do this to me!☑️

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Veronica's POV
Damon starts to panic. "A-are you sure? M-maybe it's not really labor." Alaric looks between us and scratches his head with furred brows. "Y-Yea, maybe it's those...Brandon...Hikes...thingys." Another contraction hits. "Braxton Hicks, you idiot! And I don't think that's what I'm feeling!" I yell in pain.

Damon's head then snaps up to his drinking buddy. "Don't just stand there, get her father!" Alaric runs inside just as I feel something running down my leg. Please don't be blood...

I squeeze onto Damon's hand until my knuckles are white. "Damon, look down. I feel something on my leg and I'm too scared to look." I whine. Alaric comes running out with my parents and Jenna. On their way to us, Damon looks and replies, "Uh—I think it's clear. Maybe a little pink." My heart sinks.

"Honey, What are you feeling?" Dad pants from running. I start hyperventilating from my nerves and the pain. "I-it feel like contractions and there's something running down my leg. I think it's my water breaking. I'm only 8 months dad, she's not ready."

Dad doesn't bother checking and just looks at Damon. "Take her to the hospital immediately. Go!" I am then picked up bridal style and sped to the car by Damon who sets me in the passenger seat before getting in and rushing to the hospital. Once there, I step out of the car and sit in a wheelchair Damon yelled at a nurse to bring.

10 painful minutes later, I was admitted and changed into a gown. A nurse hooked me up to all types of monitors before the doctor arrived. Laying on my side, I hold Damon's hand when there's a knock on the door.

"Ms. Gilbert, is it?" The doctor asks as he reads my chart. I nod as another contraction strikes. "I'm just gonna check you to see if your dilating." I nod and turn over to place my feet on the stirrups. After my exam, doc tells me I'm already at 4 cm, but I was considered preterm.

Five minutes later, another knock sounds and in comes my parents, Jenna, and Ric. "Any change?" Jenna asks, placing a sweet kiss on my slightly damp forehead. I shake my head. "Other than the sudden nausea, no."

Dad smooths back my hair. "Are you uncomfortable? I can get a nurse to give you an epidural." I shake my head and squeeze my eyes shut as another contraction builds. "No! I want matter the pain—it'll be worth it in the end." Mom smiles proudly. "My strong girl. Don't worry, when this is all over and you're holding your little girl in your arms for the first time—it's like the rest of the world goes away and it's just you and her." A single tear rolls across the side of my face as I look to her. "I'm counting on it." I try my best to smile when mom leans down to kiss my temple.

I then look around the room. "I think you all should go home and change. Who knows how long I'll be here and your all not exactly dressed for the occasion." Damon smirks. "On the contrary. This is perfect occasion to be dressed fancifully." I giggle lightly.

After assuring everyone that I'll be fine, they all leave to change, including Damon. I decide to try and sleep through the pain, but I just couldn't seem to get comfortable. It was around five in the morning when another knock rattles my door. "Come in."

Jenna's copper hair hangs as she pops her head in. "We're back! And we packed a bag for the baby just incase." She and Ric walk in with flowers, pink balloons that read 'it's a girl' and a duffle bag. I chuckle, "Ric, I didn't have her yet. What's up with the flowers and balloons, dude?"

He smiles and places the bouquet on the counter and ties the balloons to the towel railing on the wall. "Oh, you know. Just wanted to be early—and Jenna is not gonna let me leave until you have the baby, so..." I snicker as Jenna rolls her eyes. "Sorry to break it to you buddy, but if you're gonna be with me, you have to be there for family." I smile at the my aunts thoughtful gesture and my smile only grows as she and Ric slide two chairs up to the side of my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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