Chapter 8: What's wrong with me?☑️

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Veronica's POV
After leaving the hospital, Damon drove to a Waffle House so that I can get my chocolate chip waffles before we head on the road. 3 waffles and a bottle of water later, I fell into a food coma and passed out in the car.

A little while later, this soft hum could be heard from the engine as I woke up. My head was leaning against the cool window and the scent of a familiar cologne filled my nostrils. I look at my shoulder to see Damon's jacket blanketing me causing a sweet smile to form on my lips.

"Morning, sleepy head." Damon coos as he smooths down the back of my hair. "Morning." I smile as I stretch under the warm leather jacket, shifting to my left side to face the gorgeous man that is my virginity stealer... about that, you need to bring it up...

I was about to speak, when a sudden wave of nausea hit me like a ton of bricks. "Stop the car."

Damon was about to object, but when he saw my face, which I imagine looks fifty shades of green, he quickly pulls over to the side of the road. Sadly, my once delicious waffles was now supper for the baby birds as I double over as soon as I step onto the dying grass of some Georgian field.

Damon flashes over to me and begins to rub the small of my back. "Im sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"You shouldn't be getting sick. My blood is still in your system until tonight." Damon states worryingly. I really wish I had the nerve to tell him what this sickness might be, but he'd think I was lying. Hell, if I didn't already know, I'd think I was lying.

"Do you need anything? Water?" He asks, genuinely concerned. I smile as I stand up straight and grab the water from his hand to rinse my mouth before speaking. "Is it strange if I say I'm hungry again?"

Damon's worry breaks as he chuckles, "I'd think you weren't human if you weren't constantly hungry. Come on, we're almost there."

"Where is there anyway?" I ask as we got back in the baby blue Camaro. Damon starts to drive again and smirks, "This little place, just outside of Georgia. You're gonna love it."

Of all the places in the country, why take me to Georgia. I being to fish my brain for any clues, but could only seem to come up with one. Katherine. Just the thought of her makes me want to double over again.

"Listen, I don't know what's gonna happen in the next week, let alone the next day, but I want you to know, if getting her out of the tomb is all you want, then I'll help you." I state softly with a frown. Damon looks at me with a sad expression like he wants to say something, but doesn't as he just nods.

Shortly after, we pull into a dingy small parking lot right outside 'Bree's Bar'. "A bar? Damon, they're not gonna let me in. I'm not fully legal yet."

Damon smirks as we step out of the car, "Really? You look legal to me. Don't worry, I know the owner."

He kindly opens the door for me and I thank him with a smile. "No. No it can't be...Damon? My honey pie!" We are greeted by a very tall, beautiful black woman who did not hesitate to take Damon's face in her hands and plant one on him. A mixture of jealousy and anger swells in the pit of my stomach as I glare at the 'happy couple'.

I then found myself staring holes in the back of who I'm assuming is Bree when I hear a pop from above, startling me out of my trance. A lightbulb had blew, causing all three of us to jump apart as the glass shards trickle like snow to the ground. I smirk a little and head to one of the many chairs at the bar, Damon following closely behind.

"Are you okay, did anything hit you?" He asks as he looks all over for any injury. I just shake my head blankly and stare at the bar. Damon tilts his head to look at my face as he shimmy's off his jacket, "I'll be right back, gotta use the bathroom. Don't have fun without me."

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