Chapter 15: Dreaming of You☑️

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Veronica's POV
"As descendants of the founding families, they all want to know they can count on you." Giuseppe explains, walking with a son on either side of him. What the hell. How am I here right now?

I look down to notice I was wearing a powder blue corset dress. This has to be a dream.

The boys walk closer and closer to me as Stefan turns to his father. "Of course! Is there any doubt?" Giuseppe scowls. "I'm not sure your brother Damon—understands the importance of duty." Damon's head snaps to his father as he glares.

"Damon left the confederacy on principle. It was his choice and should be respected." Stefan reasons. "You'll have to forgive me for having trouble respecting a deserter." Their father states smugly. Angered, I take a step forward when Damon stops walking, getting his father and brother to stop as well. "I never asked for your respect!"

"Good for you, Damon—because all I have is disappointment." How could someone speak so poorly to their own flesh?

Damon stares at his father and doesn't say a word. "You said the town is—in trouble?" Stefan asks, distracting his father from the obvious. Giuseppe looks to Stefan. "There have been too many deaths. It is time for us to fight back. Stop these killers—"

"Killers? What are you talking about?" Stefan wonders. Damon's baby blues darken in annoyance as his father replies, "Demons live among us."

"You're being cryptic now, father. Why don't you just say the word?" Damon sarcastically exclaims. Giuseppe looks at his eldest. "Vampires—they exist. And they live amongst us."

The Salvatore brothers look at one another, silently fearing the worst. "But we have a plan to kill them!" And you're going to help us."

Giuseppe nods to each of his boys and walks away, Stefan following shortly after. I couldn't help but take in this version of Damon. Longer, curlier black hair. Rosy cheeks from the crisp fall air.

Lost in my head, I didn't realize he had walked up to me. "Ma'am, can you hear me?" I shake my head lightly. "Oh, uh—What did you say?" Damon gently smiles. "I asked, are you lost?" I smile nervously and clear my throat to speak, but someone cuts me off.

"Damon, my love. Who is this—wench you're speaking to?"

My smile drops as I come face to face with the photocopy of my sister...Katherine. Damon turns to her with a bright smile. "No one. She's no one." My heart sinks as she smirks and tilts his head up to kiss him and he gladly obeys.

No one. She's no one.

I gasp awake and grasp the fluffy blanket as if I was trying to grip on reality. His words were clear as day and kept echoing, taunting me in the back of my mind.

"Good. You're awake." The familiar voice greets as the door creaks open. My sister comes into view and my heart begins to race. "H-hey. W-what are you d-doing?" Elena tilts her head and furs her brows. "I was coming to check on you. It's the middle of the afternoon and Stefan and I were gonna go home if you wanted to tag along. You okay? You seem—on edge."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, recollecting my thoughts. "Yea, I'm good. Just had a...nightmare." Elena sits on the bed as I sit up to stretch. "Wanna talk about it?"

I chill is sent down my spine at the mere thought. "Not really... let me get ready, I'll be down in a few." I try and smile, but to no avail. My sister nods and kisses me on the top of my head before leaving. I look down at my stomach and notice I had finally popped. "Holy crap." I whisper, standing up to go to the wall mirror. I turn to the side and lift my shirt, rubbing my small hands around my baby bump with a smile. "Soon, baby girl. Very soon mommy can hold you and everything will be okay."

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