Chapter 7: The Unknown Prophecy ☑️

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Veronica's POV
My eyes open wide as I am paralyzed with fear. Oh noooooo! What the hell did I do last night?!

You know what you did, Veronica. You did Damon, my conscious teased. I then feel the blood rushing to my ears and I finally move to find the other half of my bed empty. My eyes water. I knew it. He was just using me. Whatever Damon wants, Damon matter who gets hurt in the process.

Just as I sit up, there is a knock at my door. "Wait! I'm getting dressed!" I yell as I jump to my dresser and throw on some underwear, a bra, black leggings and a loose t-shirt. I try my best to smooth my hair down as I reach the door knob and open the door to reveal Jenna.

"Hey, your sister needs a ride. Something about Bonnie sleeping in late." Jenna grins. I nod and grab a hair tie, putting my hopefully unnoticeable sex hair into a messy bun.

"Does Jeremy need a ride too?" I ask as I pull my socks and converse on. Jenna rolls her eyes and sighs as she leans against the door frame, "He left early. Your parents are thinking he's on drugs. Your mom didn't tell you, but she found pot in his room and called the sheriff to scare Jeremy into throwing it away."

I shake my head in disappointment. I thought he'd learn from the first time I yelled at him. "Anyway, I gotta head down to Whitmore. I have a Lab to make up. Be home around dinner time."

"Yup. Have fun!" I say as I push her out of my room. Jenna stops just as she's out in the hall and spins around to face me. She then looks at me and squints her eyes. " different."

I knew my face would get red, so I think of things that make me mad, like my brother's face at the moment. "Nope. Nothing different. Same old me here."

"Mmhmm." Jenna hums skeptically. She turns back around and heads downstairs and out the door without another word. Elena then comes into the hall. "Morning."

"Morning sis. Come on, you got school that awaits you." I sigh causing my sister to snicker as we ascend the staircase. For the passed two weeks, I have made it my mission to avoid the older Salvatore and his brother for that matter.

That got complicated very fast as Stefan tried to lock Damon up, only for him to go on a killing spree, all because he wants to get Katherine out of the tomb. On Halloween, Stefan killed Vicki and my sister had our brother compelled to forget what he saw. Bonnie got possessed by her ancestor, Emily, and Damon also attacked her.

But mostly, I've been feeling off. It must be the stress that I'm under. I started work, which distracted me from the inevitable, and lucky for me, Damon hasn't showed up not once on my shifts. Yesterday, my manager gave me the next three days off because he said I look like I need it, and honestly, I can use this mini vacation to set things straight with my family. No more lies.

Today I was going to sit my parents down and talk with them about me knowing that there is vampires living in this town. Mom and dad sit on the big couch and I sit in the chair to face them.

"So...I know that you're both a part of the council, and I don't want to lie to you anymore. I know about the vampires in this town." I state slowly, playing with my fingers nervously.

Dad shifts uncomfortably and mom looks at him with wide eyes. "I'm guess that you never wanted me to find out, but I did. And you have to know, not all of them are evil."

Dad scoffs. "Not all evil? Veronica, they attack and feed on the founding families and innocent people of this town! They are all evil!" Mom grips dads arm to calm him down as she chips in, "Sweetheart, you can't trust them."

My brows furred, "The hell I can't. They were people like us once. Some of them didn't ask for this life, it was forced on them. Mom, the council can't know, please. Please Dad."

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