Chapter 2

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It's been a week since Lance disappeared. The others keep telling me to just accept the fact that he's dead, but i can't, something just keeps nagging me. I haven't been sleeping or eating properly, Shiro has actually had to force feed me sometimes, because i just couldn't eat.

I can tell everyone has been worried about me, but really, at this point in time, i couldn't care less. I've been trying to confine myself to my room as much as possible, just so no one can see the tear stains on my face, or my puffy red eyes.

I still remember the day Lance and i first officially met, we were both battling over who would save Shiro. I laugh to myself, it's probably the first happy emotion i've felt in the past week. I start going through all my happy memories, that Lance and i have had.

The day we first met, all of our battles, Lance confessing his love, Our first kiss....out vow to marry if we both made it back to earth together.

I'm on the break of tears as Pidge barges into my room. It must be serious because she only does it when she's discovered something.
"KeItH, gEt YoUr AsS tO tHe DoCkInG bAy NoW".
She takes a moment to catch her breath, before she drags me out of my room, and down to the docking bay.

The Blue Lion, seems lively, which could be a good sign. I hear Red talking to me, i don't know if the other Paladins lions are talking to them too but red is saying something.
"Red Paladin, rest your hand on the foot of the Blue Lion, his old Paladin has left a message for you all"
I come back to reality and the others are staring at me,
"Keith....are you ok?" I feel Hunks hand on my shoulder,
"Y-yeah, my lion just told me to touch the Blue Lions foot".

Coran and Allura enter as i go to touch the lion, wondering would happen.
I place my hand down and suddenly the Lion starts projecting something,
It's Lances Face.

A video message starts playing,
"Heyo Guys, i guess i decided to make this video incase i died, ahahahaha"
I can already feel the tears welling in my eyes, hunk has pulled me into a hug now and we all watch the video.
"So i guess if you're seeing this, i must have died, well that sucks doesn't it. I kinda recorded this because i have some last words for you guys." I hear Allura let out a sob,
"Well Pidge, you're up first. I kind of wanted to ask if you could continue to teach the mice the rest of the circus tricks i was teaching them, and maybe let them practice different hairstyles on you so Allura doesn't get bored while the rest of you aren't around".

I feel like imp'm about to collapse right now, it hurts so much.
"It was always kinda tricky tryna use Hunk's hair, but thats only because it's so short"
His laughter sounds painful, like he's trying not to cry.

"Coran, my buddy, Please look after yourself, and the others, you're like the space granddad we all needed, try making sure Pidge gets atleast four to six hours of sleep"
He starts rambling on about health and all that jazz, which doesn't seem like him at all.
"Hunk, please feed the Mice for me, try getting Keith involved too, seeing as he's probably the most depressed right now", he wasn't wrong there.

"And keep up the Amazing meals Hunk, everyone Loves them" i can feel hunk's shaking breath on the back of my neck, i stroke his had to comfort him,
"Shiro, Allura, you're space Mum and Dad so you're incharge of making sure Keith doesn't end up in a really bad state, and that everyone is ok, Plus Allura, I think i wan't you to take over my Lion, if i don't return, you look after him for me". I look around and see Allura fall into Shiro's arma, she's obviously crying.

"And finally Keith, Buddy, where do i start. Please don't get too hung up over me, i'll always be in your heart" Tears start to pour down Lances face, i can feel them falling down mine too.
"I know i promised one day i would marry you, but just forget that, find someone else who will be there with you, because i wasn't good enough to stay alive for you."
I start to heavily sob, i don't care what the others think. I keep listening though.
"I'd also think it's be good if you started training with sweet little Pidgey-Pie, because her hand to hand is pretty crappy." I hear an irritated snort from Pidge,

"I love you all, i really do, and honestly right now i hope i'm not dead. If i'm not Blue will let Keith know, i can promise that"

"And remember Keith, i love you the most."

I let out a broken sob, there's still possibility that he's alive. I keep crying, crying my soul out, every inch of sadness leaves my body, and creates a warm puddle around me. Hunk holds me tighter, trying his best to calm me, but he can't. I'm loosing myself slowly, falling into depressed hysterics.

I feel something sharp pierce my forearm, it stings. I feel dizzy, darkness caving in on me,
"Keith, we're sorry, but you need to get yourself together, he's gone, we all accepted it....why can't you." It was Allura's voice. The darkness took over completely and i was out cold.

"And remember Keith, i love you the most" is all i can hear.

[A/N imma be real, i nearly made myself cry holy shit]

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