Chapter 4

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Planes, i hate planes. Of course it was worth it if i git to see Lance, Dad and Dadsy finally gave in and brought me here as soon as they could, later today we'd arrive in Varadero. It would be a change from cold dreary England weather, warmth, its what i've needed seeing as im almost as pale as a snowman.

The plane touches down. I had to Lance to wait for me at the airport. I walk around a bit waiting with my families bags, whilst Dad went to get us food. I keep an eye out for Lance, looking for his deep ocean blue eyes.

Someone taps on my shoulder.
"Mullethead?" I fling my head around,

We embrace, talking whilst we wait for my parents to come back, i already knew this holiday would be worth it.

(Soz fam filler chapter)

Why did you go {Klangst}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ