Chapter 6

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Lance's P.O.V

I've been stuck in this Astral plain for a while now, and it's really getting lonely. I want my Keith back...i want the team back.

I lay down on my back, in a relaxed trance, that is until i hear a sound like a door opening.

I fling myself around and see a Galra solider walking towards me.
How the fuck did they get in here?! What do they want?! Why are they grabbing me!!

With a hard grip on my arm, i'm dragged out of what i thought was an astral plain, into the corridors of what seems to be a Galra ship. This can't be good.
I'm led to a room, there is a bed, some toys that are definitely  not for kids and a woman's playsuit. Fuck, i know what this is, it's a play dungeon, and i bet i'm the main toy.

I'm handcuffed and attached to the bed, called it. The Galra solider lets out a disgruntled mumble and leaves me there, alone.
After what seemed like an hour, a maid looking person arrives. She talks gently to me.
"Honey we're going to get you changed out of your bloody clothes" i hadn't even realised i was covered in my own blood.
I give her a scared nod, she pulls off all my clothes, and brings me the Playsuit. It's black and very lacy, almost see through. I feel self conscious as the maid can quite obviously see my dick, i cover it with my hand.

She chuckles, handcuffs me back to the bed and leaves.

Once again, i am left alone, but feeling alot more nervous now.

Once again after a while, the door opens, and yet another Galra enters. But this time he's royalty? Quite ugly at that too. He has Long Silver hair, and two red marks down his face, extremely slim, and quite tall. Probably has a tiny penis too.

I feel two disgusting hands cradle my face, he's looking at me.
"Well, well, well, when Father said he got me a new toy, i didn't expect you to be this pretty."
I couldn't tell if i should feel complimented or not, i decide to ignore it, and bite his hand.

He gives out an angered yell, and slaps me. Sending my head down, hitting the bed, hard.
He's now sitting on top of me.
"Pretty boy's aren't supposed to be violent, now are they?"
He has an assy look on his face, i try throwing him off me but i still have one arm attached to the bed.
He, gets off me. I see him rummaging around until he comes back towards me. Disgusting pig.
He sits back on top of me, i feel something soft being draped over my eyes. He ties the blindfold at the back of my head, and pulls me upwards.
"You want to bite things? Bite this slut,"
He shoves a gag into my mouth, and ties it around the back of my head too.

I wake up, my lower back is throbbing. My lips are dry, and i feel something sore in the corners of my mouth.
Then it hits me, i was raped by an ugly man, with nasty ass old lady fingers.

I try to sit up but i'm hit with a sharp stabbing pain, i just decide to lay down. I was comfortable until something, oozes out of my ass, it felt sticky, and just plain disgusting. I almost gagged.
I look down to see a clear, green, sticky substance on the bed. Ugly bastard came inside, does he have no decency.
Obviously not.

How long and i going to have to deal with this shit, how long until the others find me.
Argh, i slap myself on the cheek with my free hand, without thinking i shout quite loudly,
"Is anyone gonna clean my asshole for me, jesus fucking christ"
Through a speaker i hear a voice,
"A maid is on their way down". Oh hell no,
Thats fucking nasty. Honestly though, anything would be better than this goo all up in my booty hole.

I lay patiently waiting, i hear the door open, and someone scuttle into the room.
"Sorry for the wait sir, i'll get right to it"
It's female. Oh god no.

Having Keith, or that Galra guy fingering me was bad enough, let alone this young girl. I panic, what do i say.
I suddenly feel a towel enter me, giving out a large breath i steady myself, it hurts like a bitch.

"Thanks ma'am my ass now feels fresher than toothpaste" i give her a thumbs up, getting a disgusted glare in return. No, Fucking, Regrets.

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