Chapter 12

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A/N off second to last chapter, prepare, for, angst.

It's been a week since the voltron team got back to earth. Of course, it was only a visit. Tears were shed, and there were alot of interviews too, but little did the rest of the world know, at the end of this week, They would all be gone again.

Lance was feeling depressed the whole time he was back, due to the prosthetic arm. I was too, i ended up staying with his family because i didn't have one to go to myself.

We slept together in his room, and before we knew it, it was time to head back into space. We all decided to leave at midnight, when everyone was asleep, so it seems like we just vanished. It took alot of effort to drag Lance away but i did, reminding him that when we got back we'd have the wedding then.

the night of our wedding came, and i was exstatic, Lance i knew would look handsome, i on the other hand looked ok. i straighten my suit and walk out onto the alter. Lance comes up the isle and stands next to me.
"Lance Mcclain, do you take, Keith Kogane, to be your lawfully wedded husband" Coran rambled on a little more.
"i do". he stated it strongly and truefuly.
my vows came along, all i had to say was those two words.
"i do." We were officially married, tears of joy running down both our faces. Lance pulls me in for a kiss. I return it with passion, it was warm and i felt tingly, then suddenly pain.

Something has been fired. i collapse to the ground, everyone runs into panic, Lances shocked face, my blood on his torso. I turn around just in time to see Matt Holt, Pidges brother, with a gun, he had shot me. right in the heart.

everything went cold and dark. this had to be my long awaited end. The last thing i hear is Lance screaming out to me. and then, he's gone.

ha short sweet and painful, what a great mix.

Why did you go {Klangst}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora