Chapter 4

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Keith's P.O.V

A/N sorry for late update lol

I feel myself fall out of a healing pod. Why was I in it? I can feel Shiro's arms wrap around me, i can tell because i can feel the cold metal of his Robotic Arm on my back. I look up to them all and speak the words, that probably none of them wanted to hear.

"So Lance really is dead, Fucking kill me so i can join him, Please"

I feel Skin join skin as Pudge slaps me, Straight across my cheek. A burning pain bursts into the flesh on my face.
"Are you stupid Keith!" She has a sharp tone in her voice. "If you want us to kill you, you're gonna have to try harder than that. Unless you attack us in your God Damn Full Galra form, Then i'll do it." I knew they wouldn't.

"Whatever," i shrug my shoulders, and stumble off. I get back to my room, which is where  i'll continue to hide my pain. I lay down on my bed, and once my head is down on the pillow, i'm out like a light.

I constantly hear lances final words, playing in my head like a broken record,
'Keith i love you the most',
My mind is in a scramble, he cant possibly be dead. Maybe it's just a stick up, maybe everyone's just taking the piss.
It can't be a joke, they wouldn't let it go this far if it was.

For the past few hours, i've felt like i'm being watched. I know i'm not because i broke the security camera in my room, when i first found out Lance was missing. It's a horrible feeling because it wont go away.

I near someone come into my room, i shove my head into my pillow and pretend to be asleep. I really don't want to socialise.
"Keith, I know you're awake," at least it's only Shiro.
"Yes i am, go away". I hear him scoff at my stupid comment.
"Get your ass up, you sack of meat. I have news on Lance", my stomach starts to turn over.
"I don't want to know"
"Oh, but i think you do". He puts his hand on my shoulder, it must be bad then.

"I think Lance is alive Keith."
I throw myself up, shock prominent in my eyes. Shiro has a cocky grin on his face, i break a small smile, only for a faint second before i fall into my dead look once again.
"You what now?!"
"You heard me, we did some research on blue and discovered something"
"And that would be?" My tone is getting impatient now.
"Blue's hiding something from us, i was looking around for any causes of where Lance went. Anyway i found his Paladin suit, Allura and Pidge were looking at it and." He cuts off
"Ok and?"
"Well we found another video, and well, it's another one Lance."

I feel my face light up slightly. Without thinking i jump up, accidentally head butting Shiro, we let out a yelp.
"C'mon i wanna go see", i rub my head and run off to go find Allura and Pidge.

Shiro catches up and leads me to the room they were in, i see his suit of armour. God i wish he were in that suit.
I walk over to the others.
"Keith, are you feeling better?" Allura has a gentle tone in her voice,
"I guess so, um. Can i watch the message?"
"Of course,"

I place my hand on the suit, and there he is again. I see stars in the background, i also see some sort of village. Maybe he is alive. I pay close attention to everything he says

"God i hope you guys get this, but get Keith to bond with Blue, i can't say where i am, but Blue might know."

A/N ahhhhhh sorry late update i was on camp

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