Chapter 5

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"Guys, get Keith to bond with Blue. I can't day exactly where i am, but Blue may know"

My World suddenly exploded. His face right in front of mine, looking slightly alive. He has a gash on his forehead which looks like its starting to heal, but still, he's alive.

Every lets out a small cheer, knowing that he's alive. We all felt a spark of hope, especially me. The love of my life may return to me.

Only i had one problem. Bonding with Blue. Blue and i haven't exactly bonded much. Maybe i could get Red to coax Blue into telling me, but that'd be difficult seeing as Red is the most stubborn creature alive.
"Um, guys" everyone turns to look at me,
"Yeah, Keith" they all speak in unison.
"How in the fuck am i supposed to bond with Blue." I feel all eyes on me, an awkward silence fills out the room.
"What, i thought you and Blue had some sort of bond seeing as the pilot is technically your boyfriend".
"Hunk that's not how it wor-" Allura cuts me off,
"Actually, Hunk, is right, if you just sit inside the Blue Lion, it should react to you. How about we give a go after you eat something. It has been nearly 3 weeks already". Three weeks? Was i really in the pod that long. I admit i did feel quite hungry. I agreed and followed the others to the dining hall.

Luckily, Hunk, was making dinner so it would be good food, unlike the green space goo Coran makes. I ate quite alot. Everyone seemed happy that i was slowly gaining my old personality back. I for one hoped i didn't, I seriously don't want to seem like a girl who is on her permanent period again.

I felt eyes on me, i look up and see the others staring at me,
"Um guys? You alright there", they all laugh, making me jump out of my skin a little. Pidge speaks
"It's just so good to see you like this, with a smile on your face. It's really been miserable without you Keith". The smile on my face grows more, i feel loved, accepted, happy again.  I stand up, and am pulled into a hug. This time it feels warm, and not just out of sympathy. I decide to speak up,
"Should we try go talking to Blue, i kind of wanna find my Boyfriend" i let put a spft laugh. The others light up and the sound of me giggling.
"Ok Keith, Lets go". And so we head of to the landing bay.

Blue looms over top of me, looking like he has a stern stare. I look behind me and the other give me a nod of reassurance, i step up and enter the Blue Lion.

I sit in the chair Lance would usually place himself, carefully i stroke the thin armrest. It smells of him, and slightly of dead bodies too. I ignore it and close my eyes, trying to communicate with the Lion.
Blue can you hear me, it's Keith, your old Paladins lover. I need your help.
I wait for a response, for a few minute i hear nothing. Suddenly i hear a faint sentence.
And what would this help you require be Red Paladin.
The other Paladins and i need your help finding, your Paladin.
Why should i tell you?
Because i miss him, and want him back in my life, plus we need him to be able to form Voltron.
Blue goes quiet again, most likely considering what i said.
I can't tell where you where he is exactly, but i know, the Galra have him held captive.
They do?
Yes. He is being held captive on Zarkon's ship. I'm sorry but thats the most information i can give you.
Thank you Blue, it's well appreciated.
And with that i open my eyes, leaving the Lion.

I get a hopeful look from the other Paladins. They all have a glint in their eye, like a child in a toy store, that is until i break the news to them.
"Zarkon's got him held captive, he's alive atleast?" I let out a pained laugh, knowing we could do absolutely nothing, to get him.
"Exactly, he's alive. Amd we're gonna go get him." All of us look at Shiro in shock. Pidge is the first to respond.
"Shiro, it's crazy, but worth a try isn't it?" I look at the others.

"Well fuck, i guess i have no choice huh? Let's go get back my Baby!"

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