Chapter 1

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Everyone else must have noticed Keith too, because they all looked so... depressed. They all went from bright smiles to shocked looks.i must have been dreaming, that or, the others lied to me.

No one could stop me barging through the small crowd, looking for my family. Ignoring everyone i keep going, i reach them and start to pull màma with me, the others following not to far behind us.

The rest of the night i lock myself in my room, not talking to anyone, once again refusing to eat, once again, depressed. I cried myself to sleep, telling myself that person wasn't Keith, that i'm going insane. I kept reminding myself that he had been shot. Matt killed him, Matt is dead too.

"Lance, mi amor, please come out and eat something. We're all so worried"
"I'm not hungry màma, just leave me alone" i let out a small sob into my pillow. I keep thinking that if i don't eat i'll starve and get to be with Keith too. This of course can't be my main mottive but it's just the way i've become.

I hear my bedroom door creak open, Shiro is there in the doorway, looking at the mess i've become. I've lost enough weight to match Pidge when we first got stuck in space, maybe even less, i have dark bags under my eyes, and red tear stained cheeks. My eyes are red too, my skin has also started to lose colour. I was an unhealthy, dying mess, which i find a good thing.
Shiro's arm curls around my waist, he easily pulls me up into a sitting position. Cradling me in his arms he starts humming gently next to me, as if to soothe me.
"Lance, you really need to eat."
"I just don't feel hungry Shiro"
"But if you don't you'll die. I'm surprised you haven't honestly, the average human can last like three weeks without food, you've gone four...nearly five."
"Well i'm fine"
"You sure as hell aren't, good thing for me is you're weak right now. So i can force feed you without you fighting against me". All i can do is let out a gentle sigh as he lifts me up.

I ate, and it felt great. Honestly i'm surprised i managed to keep it down. Shiro planned for everyone, par Keith, to meet up tomorrow. Of anything i'm looking forward to seeing everyone, it's been over a month since i interacted with anyone, Shiro being the first. We're going to be meeting up at Pidge's house. We both grew up together, the others were staying in hotels until they could get back to their own homes or so they can find one. This would be the last chance to see Hunk before he went back to L.A. Shiro and Allura would be finding a home here in new Orleans together. And Coran, we don't know where he's going to go. But honestly, i hope it's close.

Tears were shed when we met up, everyone was shocked to see me, seeing as i'd been hidden away for so long without them. The feeling of being needed around lit my soul up, it felt like my Bonding moment with Keith.

Keith's P.O.V
I wake up in a cold sweat. Is that sobbing i hear next to me. I turn to look around, i'm in a bed, a hospital bed. Are these people my parents? They look just like me. One of the men put's his hand down onto my cheek.
"Keith, my baby boy, you're awake."
I'm still extremely confused, why am in a hospital?
The other man holds who i think is one of my dads?
"Um where am i?" The two men hesitate and start to explain.
"Honey, for about a year you've been in a coma. Weirdly Shiro fell into one the exact same time as you."
The name Shiro, that's one of the people who were in team Voltron with me, our leader, my friend.
"Wait, Coma?!"
"Yeah, it happened in your sleep"
"Is Shiro awake?"
"I don't think he is.'
"Um dad" the shorter of two men responds
"Can you pass me my phone, i have a few people i was stuck in my coma with that i need to find"
They both look at eachother confused


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