Chapter 8

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We all gather at the main deck, starting to discuss a plan to find Lance. We already knew where the location of the ship was, but that was about it.
"Ok guys, any ideas" Allura gives a hopeful glance towards Pidge, but Pidge looks confused. I decide to speak for Them.
"Well, if we can break into the main deck, Hunk and Pidge can try finding his information. They must have something about where he's being kept? And Shiro and I can position ourselves close to the ships brig doors."
I get a few shocked looks but soon enough the others agree.

We start planning out where Shiro and I were to place ourselves.

Eventually we had everything sorted.  Allura sent us through a wormhole, to find Zarkon's ship. We arrive withing 30metres, giving Allura and Coran enough room for cover. We get in our lions and get into position. This is where it all should go to plan.

Shiro and I wait for the signal from Hunk. We are both positioned on each side of the door, hidden behind a large metal pillar with a large enough gap to cover us. I hear the sound of Hunk and Pidge beating the living shit out of the guards through my com.
The sound of rapid tapping as Pidge looks for Lance's information.
"Ok Keith, Shiro, there are two other prisoners in the same cell as Lance, which is Cell F5608. So get them too, there isn't any information on who they are but i want to question them about Matt and Dad"
"Got it" we speak at the same time.

Grabbing my bayard i slice the guard by me apart and make my way through the door carefully, Shiro not too far behind. I scan along the different Cell numbers, looking for the right one. B3303, C5039, D35- i'm cut off by a voice calling my name out. I spin myself around, but Shiro looks just as confused as me. I hear it again,
"Keith, i can sense you, where are you". It's Lance.

I sprint to where i heard the voice.
"Lamce call out again"
"Holy fuck, it is you Keith", once again following his voice i search, until i find the Cell F5608, and there he is. A very Bruised Lance with something running out of his ass. He has two people behind him.
"Guys i found Lance"
"Sweet i'll open the cell, don't forget the other two".

I hear one of the Other prisoners speak,
"Lance...who is this?" He sounds young, slightly similar to Pidge in a way.
"Oh Matt, this is Keith, he was just talking to your sister too". I hear Pidge screech through the com, hurting my ears.
"EXCUSE ME WHAT". Shiro laughs across the room, most likely at Pidge. The cell door opens and Matt, and the other prisoner pick up Lance. It must be bad.
"Here' i'll carry him"
"Why should I trust you"
"Why would i hurt my boyfriend" i let out a small chuckle, he reluctantly gives me Lance. I put him on my back, piggy back style.

"Ok we need to hurry the fuck up", i hustle Matt and the other prisoner with lance mumbling things about how he loves me into my ears.
We make it back to our lions and head back to the castle, i made sure Lance was comfortable as i had him sitting on my lap. We make it back and i gently pick him back up, holding him bridal style carrying him out to see the others. A hoard of people run at us, i swipe around. I spot Shiro helping Matt and an older man out of his Lion.
"Oh god guys, don't attack the poor injured boy, go attack Pidges brother instead". Thankfully they did.

I sit down with Lance cradled in my arms,
"You better not forget this bonding moment you twat"
"Never in a million years, now um, i think i need to go into a healing pod before i start coughing up Lotors semen"
"wait whAT?!"
"I'll explain when i wake up ok babe"
He fainted in my arms.

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