Modern-Day Strike Back!

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     "Hmmm?" I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. "I must've gotten--" I paused. Buildings towered above me. Stars hung from metal posts along the side of a road as black as the void. People lined the streets, their faces in shocked dazes. Monsters with wheels for feet and slightly transparent stomachs held people inside. I gagged on the heaviness in the air. It clung to my skin. "What on Earth...?" A sound echoed down the street, starting low, but going so high it blocked out the sound of muttering people and rumble of wheel monsters. I heard dogs barking. I couldn't help but cover my ears. "What the... What is that?!" I turned to the people on the street. "How can you people stand that awful noise?" No response. Another eight or so monsters with red and blue flashing lights screeched to a halt and people clambered out. It was blinding.

"Freeze!" One of them shouted, brandishing a black rectangular thing with a handle.

"What's that?" I asked, walking towards him.

I heard a loud crack and felt something crack against my neck. I fell back, clutching my collar bone. I looked down and removed my hand once I could see and saw that Kasumi's stone had been shattered! "No!" I shouted. It glowed for a second, then left, pieces flying everywhere.

     "How late am I to the party?" Kage asked, jumping down from a rooftop several feet up and landing on his feet. I heard a crack. "Ouch." He said, surveying the damage to his ankle.

"Eh. You've had worse timing." I said in reply. The people--with what I could only guess were futuristic guns--slowly surrounded us. "Not by much."

"I'm thinking it's time to go..." Kage said, using his Aura Wing ability flew away. "See ya!" I could only duck and weave behind him in the confusion.

"Wait, hey!" The gunmen yelled behind us as we sped away. They practically fell into the monsters.

"That's weird." I said.  "Hey, what's going on? Where are we?" I asked Kage, who was flying above me. "We were in that lab thing and then I heard a boom and woke up back there." I tilted my head back towards the spot.

     "I dunno. We could be anywhere, but I think we should consider any when, too. Think about it, do either of us really know what year it is?"

     "I have a rough guess-timate, I think. I think we're sometime close to the turn of the millennia."

     "That's right around the same guess I have. Not very accurate, is it?"

     "No, I guess not."

     "Hey!!" We heard a voice. It was the powerful Guardians from earlier. I smiled until Finch-5 screamed and punched a monster off the road from her levitating board machine. "Ha! No match for me, you stupid cops!"

     "Finch-5, we're part of the cops!" Dog-2 exclaimed as she flew above. Raccoon-1 ran on the road next to Finch-5.

     "Exactly!" She yelled with boisterous laughter. 

     "Kage!" I yelled. "These guys are gonna get us killed!"

     "Oh yeah, without a doubt." He replied calmly. "Keep running."

     Eventually, Finch-5 caught up to us. "Those are the police!" She shouted. "Running from them is normally a bad plan, but okay! This works too! Edgy. I love it!" She continued to knock the police off the road into other police as I weaved between civilians. Kage hit the ground running and drew his weapon. He started attacking the feet of the police monsters as they passed us. We heard a pop and watched as the monster slowed down. I pulled out my sword and did the same.

     "Oh my God! What barbaric time period did you two even come from?!" Raccoon-1 laughed. "At least it's effective!"

     "Guys! The road!" Dog-2 exclaimed. The road ended within a few short yards. A gate with white and orange stripes barred us from falling off the end. It continued on the other side. And instead of saying Yeah, maybe not,  I thought to myself Yeah, I can make that! "We can make that!" I shouted.

     "We what?!" Kage shouted. "You're an idiot if you think you can--!"

      "You're me! You can make the jump, too!" I replied. "Come on!" I used my wind abilities to give us all a tailwind. Closer, closer... We jumped!

     And barely landed safely on the other side! We slowed down as the police monsters either stopped in time or plummeted off the edge. "Phew!" Dog-2 said, landing with Kage. "You guys really could've died."

     "We wouldn't have died. Come on, let's take these two home!" Raccoon-1 said gesturing to us.

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