Kasumi's Battle

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All I remember was a flash of light and waking up in a very dark place. "Where are we?" I asked, noticing several dark pods lining the walls.

Soon enough, we'll get all that we wanted and this fight will have been worth it. Kasumi said.

I prepared to attack.

Let's see what good your sword is against this! The 'sky' above me glowed with several colors as the aura stones she had collected filled the dark place with light. The breathtaking display left my mouth gaping open. Kasumi started sending the aura stones to attack me.

I dodged a falling star rain. "Are we in space?!" I asked.

You know, I wish I didn't have to kill those Guardians, but...

Kasumi rerouted lightning directly towards me. I blocked with my sword. 'We can't be in space,'I thought. 'Those pods are over there. And what about the lightning?'

They sure are going at it, huh partner? My opponent grinned. I ran up to attack, only for her to grab me and toss me aside. Why are you still trying, Kaze?

I used my wind, but it didn't do anything to hurt her. I ran towards her back but got tossed again. Reliving these perfect memories until we get it right... This is our destiny!

'She's like a kid who never learned to share her toys. I need to separate her power from those aura stones.' I thought as lasers rained down on my head. Don't you see, Kaze? We're fated to do this over and over. You forgot that, but no worries! With me, you'll remember! Kasumi smiled.

She summoned two swords and rushed at me. She had bad technique, but her swords fazed right through mine! Why are you still standing in my way?! This is the path the gods designed for us. We'll live forever in the past that loved us!

"That is not my fate!" I yelled as waves of psychic energy flowed around me. 'I can't do this alone...' I thought. 'She's so strong.'

These people are insignificant. Mere birds in a storm compared to immortal beings like us. I'm the only one who matters now! Join me, Kaze!

I found myself falling. I jumped and used my wind to give myself a little extra boost as multicolored beans of light flashed around me. Why are you still standing in my way? Don't you know why I'm here? I'm gonna fix all your mistakes.

"I never asked for that. I'd mess up sometimes, and that was always okay, because my friends were always helping me out. Can't you see? Our fate doesn't lie in the past. We have to make our own by facing the future! Join me, Kasumi!"

Kasumi flung me to a corner of the arena, where Guardians were sleeping behind the wall, each in the little pods that resembled their aura stones. I slashed one and Jackson fell out. "Wha--?" He stood. "Kaze! What's going on?"

Where'd you go, friend? Kasumi asked cautiously.

"I'm sorry!" I cried. "Kasumi's out of control! I should've waited!"

"Okay. I'll help you take her out." He nodded. He jumped on platforms made by the aura stones at lightning speed, dodging and dashing around Kasumi's attacks while I freed Lily. He landed a hit on her!

"Mr. Kaze!" Lily hugged me until she saw Kasumi. "I need to help! Let me try calming her!" She healed Jackson and I before mentally talking to Kasumi.

Seth had his laser pistols locked on his target. Two Seth lasers combined with Kasumi's lasers caused an explosion that Jackson avoided.

Ariel was all-too-happy for a rematch once she patted me on the back, ruffled Lily's hair, and let loose a war cry.

Phantom used magic to help me unlock many others while Fantasma used her visual trickery with a big grin on her face.

Once I freed Kage and he started using his aura, Kasumi was quickly overwhelmed. He berated me, of course, but I soon jumped into the fray with quite a bit more help than before from friends brand new and centuries old!

You can't do that, Kaze! No! I fight so hard to keep you around and this is how you thank me?! Stop dodging, stop destroying pods, stop calling for help! I'm all you need now!

Jackson and Lily, followed by the rest of Team Balance Rebels helped Kasumi back up to her feet. No! She shouted. They all turned to dust and blew away. I don't need anyone anymore! I approached her slowly. Didn't you hear me?! I don't need your help! I enveloped her in a hug. Leave me alone!! She attacked, but it missed me. Kaze, I...

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