We Take Action!

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Phantom POV
Lily and I are really good friends, in case you couldn't tell. She's a bit of emotional stability I can go to when my sister is taking too much after Ariel or refuses to speak in our secret twin language.

We were hanging out in the square, Lily, me, and my sister. The town was bustling around us as we sat down to enjoy some ice cream. We got some stares, but nobody came out and said anything. That's when Dr. Xebic struck again in his terrifying mech. People ran in all different directions. We flew to our feet and ran towards him. I heard a scream and turned. Elli was cornered by Dr. Xebic!

"Elli!" I called. One of Xebic's mech's arms almost crushed me. "That was too close... Dog-2! Tiger-7! Can you please handle this for just a second?" They didn't hear me or my impressive use of their code names. They were too busy fighting. Apparently, playing video games with Ariel had helped their teamwork as she said it would. I reached Elli, grabbed her hand, and pulled her away.

"You're that Phantom guy the police were chasing!" She gasped. She dug in her heels. "Wait! We can't just leave my parents here!"

I sighed. "Uh, we can look for them later. For now, please just stay out of trouble." I ran toward the fight and saw Lily boldly facing Xebic's mech. Where was Fantasma? I saw her slumped against the wall, unconscious. My power swirled around me as I ran toward the mech. "Dog-2!" I cried. "Give me a boost!"

She grabbed my hands mid-air as I jumped. "Ready?" We were positioned above the cockpit. I nodded. "Go, go, go!" She cried, launching me. I punched it with every bit of magic I could spare. Behind me, Lily dive-bombed the machine, ground-pounding the window in the cockpit and cracking the glass. We both skidded to the ground unharmed. We tried it again, but we were both knocked to the side. My leg stung. "Tiger-6!" Lily called, remembering to use my code name. "I can still get in and hit him if you blind him!" I nodded and called the shadows around me. They shrouded him in darkness. "Here I go!" Lily shouted, taking off.

"Hurry, please!" I yelled, straining to keep it controlled. I heard another few hits after about five seconds. The mech staggered and fell. I let it fall and smacked the glass, causing it to shatter. Dr. Xebic and a strange, small gem fell out.

"You!" His hunched form launched at me, only for the police to grab him from behind and cuff him.

"We'll worry about you later." An officer said to me, leading the Doc away. Lily waved goodbye as the cop shoved him in the car and drove off.

I picked up the gem and was whisked somewhere far away. "Woah, what?" I was in a dark room, where a lump on the wooden floor was trying to sleep. "Uh, hey?" I asked, approaching him. "Hello?" I asked. I got in front of him and frantically waved my arms. "Hello?!" The figure tossed over onto his back and gazed through the reed 'skylight'. I looked at his face and noticed the familiarity. "Kaze?!" I yelled. "What are, uh, what are you doing here?" Behind me, a door creaked. I turned and saw a little girl about my age. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. "I'm so sorry, did I wake you?" I asked. She nodded. "You can talk to me..." She pointed to her mouth and shook her head. "Oh. I'm sorry. You can't." She moved over to Kaze's side and sat down.

"Hey, you doin' okay?" He asked. The little girl nodded. The conversation went on for a bit, and I only caught a little bit of Kaze's singing when I finally went back.

The townsfolk had gathered. They started to cheer when Lily hauled me to my feet. I looked around at them and grinned.

"Wow! They really like you!" Lily exclaimed.

My smile faded. "Where's my sister?" I asked, limping to look around.

"They took her to the hospital. We can visit her later." She said, setting my arm across her shoulders.

"Woah, what happened here?!" Seth and Ariel stood at the front of the ruined square in fairly nice clothes. He picked up a piece of shrapnel. "What happened here?!" He said again.

"Ah, man! We must've missed a decent fight!" Ariel exclaimed. "Oh well. At least the small squad handled themselves well." She ruffled my hair. I looked back behind me to see Elli's parents lead her away.

"Bye, Phantom!" She smiled. Ariel was right. We did handle ourselves well, didn't we? I thought with a smile.

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