A Day On The Town

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I'll admit: Jackson, Phantom, Fantasma, and I were an odd group. I almost regretted not bring Kage along, but I figured he'd be fine with Ariel and Lily.

"So, uh, Jackson?" Phantom asked, tugging on the hem of Jackson's t-shirt.

"You need to ask louder!" Fantasma punched her brother's arm.

"Sorry... Ow." Phantom rubbed his arm.

"What did you need, Phantom?" Jackson laid an arm protectively across Phantom's shoulder.

"Well, uh, shouldn't we have invited the others?" He asked.

"Nah. Hey, what do we wanna do while we're out and about?"

"If everyone wants to, I kinda wanna train." Phantom piped up.

"Good idea!" Jackson said, clapping him on the back. "Kaze?"


"Do you have your sword?"

"Yeah, I never leave home without it."

"Then let's spar!" He said, warming up.

"Okay, just be good enough to avoid me killing you." I turned my back to him. "In ten paces?"

He was silent for a second before laughing and turning his back to mine. "I had no clue what you were talking about for a second there. Sure!"

"Phantom, would you like to do the honors?" Jackson asked.

"Of course, if Fantasma's okay with referee-ing." He shrugged.

"I get to shout if I don't like what I see? Sounds like my kinda gig!" Fantasma grinned.

"I still can't get over that demon face." I muttered. "Okay, Phantom, you have to yell the numbers out really loud so we can hear you!"

"Got it!" He yelled, then counted a little quieter each number. By the time he reached "Ten.", he was hardly audible. "Go..." Phantom whispered.

Jackson was pretty darn speedy, almost immediately taking off at seemingly the speed of sound. He was running circles around me! I drew my sword and brought it up to a defensive stance. Before I knew what was going on, Jackson appeared out of nowhere and landed on my sword. "Nice!" He winked before using my sword as ground to flip away. He scratched his nose before going back at it.

I looked to Fantasma, who only gave me a thumbs-up. Great. Thanks. I thought.

I dodged out of the way as my opponent nearly crushed me. I jumped up and charged, using my wind ability to give me a tailwind. My sword made contact with the ground just to Jackson's right. He kicked me to the ground. I swiped his feet out from under him. He curled up into a ball and tried to run me over. I grabbed my sword and ran the blade across his body as he passed to my right. We both hopped back to our feet, ready for yet another round. I kept my sword up as he tried to kick my face again. I blocked it. He went for a punch. I rerouted his power toward the ground. He used this to do a handstand and grin at me. I returned the favor before charging again. He tried to swipe my feet out from under me, only for me to flip backwards. "Don't use my moves against me!" I jokingly scolded as I ran around toward his backside.

"It was mine first!" He retorted as he rushed me.

"It was mine before your great-great-grandmother was a twinkle in her parents' eyes." I grinned and dodged. "I think that means I win."

"You wish!" He came back for another run-through.

As punishment for copying my foot sweep, I copied his spin dash. Our dashes collided, kicking up huge clouds of dust. We flew to opposite sides of the makeshift arena. I landed on my feet... On the side of a building. I dashed as Jackson was still getting down from the tree he had landed in. I landed in the tree instead, but immediately dashed to the ground. Jackson licked blood from his hand. I checked myself over for spots that would be bruises come tomorrow. Just as we were about to rush back in, we noticed Phantom waving his arms and pointing to his sister, who was unconscious on the ground.

When we got over there, Phantom was talking to Fantasma in some weird, garbled language that I didn't recognize. I looked to Jackson, who shrugged. "It's just a thing they do." He said.

Eventually, Fantasma woke up. She stood and dropped a shard of Kasumi's stone in my hand. "I've heard that this belongs to you."

"Is everything okay, sis?" Phantom asked, grabbing her shoulder.

"I was taken someplace snowy. That's all I can remember..." Fantasma said, seemingly spacing out.

Jackson turned to me. "Seth has all of the other pieces. We can reunite them and try to set your friend free now!" He smiled.

"Let's do it!" I smiled. "I'm really excited to see her again!"

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