The Shards

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Seth arrived shortly with the other stone shards after he received Jackson's call. He seemed a little nervous as he handed the shards to me. "Are you sure this'll work?" Seth asked.

"Uh... Maybe?" I shrugged. "I hope so." I took all six shards and rearranged them to resemble the original shape. "Honestly, we're lucky it broke off into six pieces only. Otherwise, who knows what would've happened?" The last shard fit into its place. "Ready?" The small group behind me nodded. "Okay..." I held the delicate object in the palm of my hand. "Shrobos kitane!"

The orb gleamed as the magic words fell from my mouth. It floated into the air. My mouth dropped as, for a second, I saw her. She was floating in front of me for a second. I looked back to Fantasma, Phantom, Jackson, and Seth, who were watching with wide eyes and mouths. I laughed. "I'm so glad to have you back!" Her blank purple eyes stared through me, as if I wasn't there. "Kasumi...?" She didn't respond. "I get that you can't talk, but come on. You could at least wave!" Then I noticed that it wasn't her. Or rather, it was, but she looked older. Her hair was down and reached around her ankles. She wore a simple, pretty dark purple dress. I hardly recognized her. "You're not the Kasumi I remember. Who are you?" I asked, taking a step back. She stared around her, getting used to her surroundings. Then she saw me, she actually saw me, and disappeared, taking her stone with her. "Kasumi?" I felt confused and hurt. I turned to the others. "I swear she knows me!"

"We believe you, buddy." Jackson said. "Why else would she run, er, disappear like that?"

"We need to find her! She could get hurt out here if she doesn't know about the technology this place has!" I gripped Jackson's arm in an attempt to make him see the gravity of the situation. His eyes bugged out as he yanked his arm away. "Come on!" I ran off, calling her name as I went.

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