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We ended up recruiting a lot of Guardians from Hima, mainly from the group of Guardians that Kasumi killed and brought back. The tenth member of our group was the one I saw Kasumi kill. Her name was Loha, and she was the Guardian of Metal. Her father had been a blacksmith before the attack, and she was trying to leave the city when Kasumi cornered her. She, Ariel, and Seth became fast friends from working in the same workshop together. Though it took Loha a while to adjust, she quickly became Rabbit-10, a valuable member of the team.

Fantasma is still living life to the fullest. She had a daredevil streak for a while in which she tried skydiving and invited me along. I actually cheated and used my powers to slow my descent. She was mad that I cheated, but overall let it go.

The whole situation with Phantom and the police came to a head a couple weeks later. When Phantom accidentally used his ability to stop a wanted criminal, the police decided that Phantom's abilities did more good than bad. He and Elli are good friends now, as far as I know.

Ariel helps Seth in his lab. She learned to create her own gadgets so she wouldn't have to borrow Seth's all the time. She also found a long lost brother, Snipe. I don't know many of the gory details. All I know is that he resumed his role as Finch-4 and now helps in the science department.

Seth's discovery of time travel led him to become a celebrated scientist in the area. He also became a bestselling author with the release of his new book about the Guardian afterlife, backed by my description of the fight with Kasumi. Of course, he's got his hands full with all of the new people working in his laboratory, but something tells me he enjoys the company.

When she got older, Lily studied abroad in her home country of Japan. She decided to outgrow the pigtails and, while she primarily used her magic from then on, she also liked to use her ponytail as a whip. She didn't find much about her family, except that she was adopted by her family in Japan. She never found her surrogate parents, leading her to believe that they died in a house fire she read about in old records of the area. She and Loha started a group emphasizing female empowerment, and Lily enjoys helping little girls all around the world.

In response to 9/11 a year later, Jackson joined the military. He was barely old enough. I volunteered to go with him, but since the U.S. Military only takes people age 18 and up, I would've been turned down. It didn't matter much, anyway. Two years later, Jackson's left arm was severely wounded and he was sent home. He was so upset that he could no longer fight. Seth eventually made him a prosthetic arm, and he went back to helping us fight bad guys closer to home. Dr. Xebic was back at his old tricks, after all, and who'd be better at leading us than his number-one adversary? He likes to tell stories about Guardian history (especially the ones he was involved in).

Kage and I stayed until all of our group members passed away, then we moved on. Though we eventually returned to the States, we decided to go to Argentina of all places. We figured that was as quiet a place as any. After 80+ years of fighting alongside the Balance Rebels, we figured we deserved that, at least. We eventually had a falling out and I went to Asia. I didn't see him again for another 400 years, and I was okay with that. I could use some me-time.

I published this on my brother's 15th birthday. I figured it was a pretty good gift for him, since he created Jackson and Seth by himself, and helped me out with pretty much everyone else except Lily and Loha. He even helped with Kaze and Kage. I wouldn't be where I am without him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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