The Experiments

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The combatants got ready to go at each other. "Oh." Phantom said. "One more thing I should tell you about Fantasma. She has the ability to--"

"Go!!" They shouted running at each other.

Fantasma immediately went on the offensive, but Kage used his Aura Barrier to knock her back. She charged forward once again, Kage used Aura Wing to push her back. Her hair and skirt flapped in the strong winds as dust clouds flew everywhere. She pulled up a shield of her own, seemingly made of light. She created a dagger of light. It crackled and fizzed every time it moved. "Let's play..." She said, giving an evil grin.

"Gladly." Kage gave an equally sinister smile and brought out his sword.

"Both of them are evil?" Phantom asked.

"To a degree." I replied.

The two rushed again, dagger and sword clashing at light speed. A cloud of light surrounded the area. Kage staggered around, blinded. Despite this, he saw Fantasma coming a mile away and dodged. "Hiding away in the light. Nice." He muttered.

Kage threw his sword away and used his Substitute ability to warp. He ran up behind her before she could react and delivered a kick to the back of her head. She was sprawled in the dirt. He hustled over, picking up his sword again. She got up, he charged and slashed again. I saw him lick blood off his hand. He had been hit! They circled each other, not wanting to make a move that can be immediately countered. "Though your technique with a blade like that is lacking, you definitely are impressive. But if Kaze is exactly the same as me, and he can't beat me, what makes you think you stand a chance?"

"I have the mindset to kill. You won't stand in my way!"

"We'll see about that..." He ran super fast, kicking up clouds of dust. Fantasma looked confused before using a huge light attack that covered the whole arena like a bubble. I couldn't see what was going on in there! As always, however, Kage came back up fighting. Or, well, flying.

"Yeah!" I yelled. "She's got nothing on you!" He nodded, like it was a fact he already knew. He stood poised, ready to strike into the light cloud.

"Aura Spear, seek her out!" He called. Black missiles pierced the light. I heard a shriek as the barrier fell. He landed at the bottom.

"Okay, my turn!" She said. She closed her eyes and summoned spiders everywhere! I shuddered.

"Uh, relax, Kaze." Phantom said, laughing at my reaction. "They're fake spiders. That's kinda what I was trying to say earlier. She can manipulate the way light hits things and reflects back into your eyes, I guess. It's just a, uh, a trick. See?" He pointed as Kage watched them close in and phase completely through. "All they can really do is uh, distract, fluster, or startle her opponent."

"What can you do?" I asked.

"The same thing, except I pull in light, she changes light. My tactics aren't as impressive, I don't think." He used his ability. I watched as I was temporarily blind, only able to see vague shapes of the fight before me. "See?"

"That's really annoying."

"And useful, sometimes." He agreed. Kage flew back into a wall while we weren't paying attention. He got up and continued the fight. "It doesn't seem to be bugging your, er, friend, however." He was right! No matter what was thrown at Kage, he maintained a cool, calm composure.

"It's all about aura, kid." He said, skidding to a halt after a particularly fast-paced attack. "If you were summoning actual animals, I would be able to sense them with aura. I can't seem to trace them, so I know they aren't real. I'm not susceptible to your visual trickery."

"Not susceptible?!" Fantasma asked, halting the battle. "That's crazy! I need to ask Lily if she can do that!" She waved. "I'll challenge you again sometime! See you!"

Kage walked up, brushing off his black jacket. "That was interesting, don't you think?"

"Both of you are kinda really dangerous." Phantom said, surveying him.

Kaze: Rebelsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن