Wrong Guy!

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Kage POV

Ariel, Little Pup, and I were enjoying the culture fair on a sunny day, minding our own business. Suddenly, a glowing purple and white orb rose from the streets. I grabbed the hilt of my sword, just in case I needed to attack the thing. The body of a teenage girl appeared. I was grabbed by some invisible force and lifted off the ground. It was here that I saw what was going on. Kasumi had returned, and I knew just who to blame. "Oh for God's sake, Kaze!" I yelled. "You couldn't wait for all of us to be there for backup?!"

Kasumi was lifting heavy objects with her mind and chucking them around, probably getting used to her newfound powers and semi-physical form. She was most definitely corrupted. I could only watch as Ariel was grabbed and thrown aside and Kasumi didn't even bat an eye. I yelled for her, but I never saw Ariel get back up. Little Pup rushed to Ariel's aid, but no response. Suddenly, Little Pup stood, rock in hand, and chucked it with all her might at Kasumi. It smacked her in the face. Kasumi caught the rock in her hand and examined it for a second before using her mind to chuck it back. It flew over Lily's head and completely shattered a nearby brick wall. She looked at me for a second and opened a portal. Little Pup tried to attack, but I used Aura Barrier to keep her back. She didn't need to die because of this mess.

"Mr. Kage!!" Little Pup screamed as I saw Ariel stirring. I bit my lip to avoid yelling back.

"Little Pup, I'll be back before you know it. I'll be fine!" I called.

"You can't be serious!" Ariel finally got up. "Kage, she'll kill you!"

"I have to go with her. Get the others and follow us!"

"Where are you going?!" Lily yelled.

"The day after the Hima disaster, right?" I asked Kasumi, who nodded. "The day after the Hima disaster!"

This caused several protests. "How are we supposed follow you there?" Ariel called.

"I don't know. You can do it!"

"Don't you dare--!!" Lily yelled.

"See ya--" I said before we left through the portal.

We landed the day after the Hima disaster. She dropped me to the ground. I groaned as I got to my feet. "Ow... Hey, I think you got the wrong person--"

You have to fix this. You have to fix me!

"That was you! You can talk?"

I have to communicate using telepathy, but that's not the point. As you could probably tell, I'm corrupted. I need a way to reverse the effects. You have to be useful!

"Sorry, Kasumi. I can't do that! I'm corrupted. I don't control corruption."

You mean to tell me that in fifteen hundred years of travels, you haven't found anything?

"That's exactly what I mean to tell you." I said.

Oh... She slumped to the ground and half-laughed half-cried. I used all of my psychic energy to grab you and bring you here, just to hear that, as far as you know, it's impossible. We're now trapped here.

"Hey, it's fine." I laid a hand on her arm. "It's okay."

No, it's not!! She cried. I didn't get to have a childhood because I became this. And you could simply reverse Kaze's corruption by hugging him and calming him down? It's...It's not fair!

"Yeah, but you should know that you have Kaze scared to death." I said, sitting next to her. She looked up at me, tears streaming her face. "Yeah! With your powerful magic, if anyone can get revenge on him, it's you! You're super strong. I don't know much about time travel, but you can take someone like me back in time, you could probably bring everyone back! Bring everything back to zero!"

That's not a bad idea...


Kaze would probably let me do it! He'd do anything to hang out with his best friend!

"That's not--"

Thanks, Kage! Kasumi disappeared.

"--what... I... meant." I sighed. "I should probably go find her."

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