Press Conference

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Kaze POV

     "Okay, you're on soon." Kage nudged me awake. Fantasma was just sitting back down in her chair behind the podium on the stage. Jackson and the audience both looked uneasy. Uh... What did the others tell them? This is a disaster waiting to happen. "Hey, ladies and gents! I'm Kaze, Guardian of the Wind and there's..." I stopped. The humans had machines that made annoying flashes in the audience. "Okay," I said. "Can we please quit flashing out there? It's making it really hard to concentrate." The flashes stopped. "Thanks. So yeah. I'm kinda dull as far as I know, so how about some questions from you guys?"

A man with a beard spoke up. "We have never seen you before with this troop. Where did you come from? How did you meet them?"

"Well, I technically came from Europe. 500 years ago. You see, what I think happened is, we were victims of a spell that trapped us in some sort of limbo for 500 years. We had no idea that America was even a country when we emerged. An evil scientist named Xebic released us to use our life essence to power his arsenal, and these people helped us escape that."


"Yeah. Me and Kage. He's back behind me and looks a lot like me."

"So you know Christopher Columbus?" A lady timidly raised her hand.

"Eh. We know of him. We never actually met the guy in person. We only heard of his intense persistence from somewhere in Czechoslovakia. Also, apparently that's divided into two countries now?" I shrugged. "Who knew?" Lots of hands shot into the air. "Woah, okay, how about you? Green shirt in the back? What's your question?"

"How are you adjusting to modern-day society?"

"Pretty well, but everything in this era seems louder, faster, more compact. It's as I'm constantly running in slow motion. Other than that though, I'm doing great. Thank you. Any more questions?" I risked a glance backwards. Jackson was trying to cut me off. "Oh, uh, according to Jackson back there I'm out of time. Thanks everyone!" I gave Kage a thumbs up and took my seat behind the podium.

Kage stepped up to the plate, cleared his throat...and started reciting the opening to Romeo and Juliet. "Two houses alike in dignity, in fair Verona where we lay our scene, two star-crossed lovers--"

     "Kage!" I hissed.

     "Fine," He sighed. "But I wasted a whole afternoon memorizing that!" He began again. "Actions have consequences. You need to know what you're doing before you act. This is the philosophy I have lived by ever since I--" he was cut off by Seth screaming and falling unconscious at the punch bowl across the room. "Now what?" He asked. Human reporters started milling about. "Hey, everyone! Please remain in your seats! We will get this sorted out if it's the last thing we do." He shot a glare at Jackson, who was trying desperately to keep it together as it was.

     It was no use. Reporters were already crowding the unconscious teenager before even Jackson could get back there. I hopped out of my chair and started running to the back of the room. "Kage!" I shouted. "Come on!" After briefly surveying his path, he followed. We shoved through the crowd and helped give Seth some room. He had already woken up once the crowd had scooted back.

     Jackson helped Seth to his feet and asked him what happened. Seth opened his mouth to speak, and then caught sight of us. He hesitated. "Seth?" Jackson asked.

     "Hey, what's wrong, buddy?" Ariel asked, wrapping her arm protectively around his shoulders.

     "I saw the picture of Hima from my textbook. I was there, in a prison. There was a little girl there named Kasumi and a younger boy named Juno and..." He trailed off and eyed us with a  curious suspicion. "And Kaze was there with them. I know it was him." I froze, but Kage was quick with a reply.

     "How do you know you were in that old Guardian settlement?" He asked, seemingly brushing off Seth's shocking accusation.

     "You told me yourself." He said. His eyes were wide. He looked like a madman as he reached out to grab us. He had a shard of Kasumi's Aura Stone in hand.

     Ariel gripped his arms as Lily reached the group. "Let's just stay calm until we get into private eyes and we can sort this out." Ariel said, turning to her leader. "Jackson?"

     "Uhh..." He turned to the group that had slowly been advancing. "Press conference is closed!" He shouted. "We will send more info as it comes out!" He helped Ariel, Kage, and I herd the Guardians back into the base part of the HQ. I shuddered as Seth continued rambling about what he saw.

     "Did we break him?" I asked. Kage only shrugged.

Kaze: RebelsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang