Lily's New Pet Rock

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Lily POV

Jackson says I see everything through rose-colored glasses, but I don't really get it. I don't even wear glasses! The only reason I bring this up is because I got a new pet rock earlier today! It's got a cool teleportation power! Or may it controls time? Who knows?

I was wandering through our house alone and I saw a strange looking rock on the ground. It glowed lots of pretty colors, and it told me to pick it up! I checked around to make sure no one was around who would stop me. And, like any normal person, I picked it up!

The pretty colors swirled around and blinded me! I covered my face to protect my eyes, and when I opened them, I saw a young girl walking down a dirt road with Mr. Kaze. Or maybe it was Mr. Kage? It was dark, so I couldn't tell very easy. "Thank goodness I saw those guys, huh?" He said. She nodded.

"Mr. Kaze! Mr. Kaze! It's me, Lily!" I yelled. He didn't hear me. I got right up in front of his face. "Hey!!" The girl looked like I scared her. Kaze just looked confused.

"Hey, it's okay. Nobody is mean enough to jump out at us. You're fine." Kaze said. Kasumi gave him a funny look that Ariel gives me sometimes when I'm not focusing on something important. Kaze kept walking on, the little girl and I in tow.

"Hi! I'm Lily! What's your name?" She pondered. "You do know your own name, don't you?" I asked. She nodded and reached for my hand. It fazed right through. "Woah!! I didn't know I could do that!!" She nodded and smiled. She covered her mouth. "You can't say your name?" I asked. She shook her hand. "Kinda?" She nodded. She started making shapes with her hands. "K, A, S, U, M, I. Kasumi? Your name is Kasumi?" She nodded. "Well, nice to meet you, Kasumi! How old are you?" She held up nine fingers. "Lucky! I'm only seven!"

As we talked, someone attacked Mr. Kaze! We both ran to him in alarm. He pushed himself up, only to get knocked back over. And the words the attacker was saying! Kasumi and I had to cover each other's ears! Everyone stood around laughing at him. "This is terrible!" I said. "We have to help him!"

A beautiful girl around twelve entered the tight circle. "Stop. Now." We were both immediately intimidated by her.

"Ooh, the priestess is gonna show me who's boss!" The attacker said, kicking him again.

"Please, Mr. Kaze! You have to stop this! Fight back!" I yelled. He didn't hear me. Kasumi could only gasp in shock and fear.

"Hey, that's the girl he had with him!" Someone yelled.

"Time to go!" I said. We held hands as best we could and charged down an alley. Dodging things as best we could, we weaved through the crowds. I used my pigtails to fly. "They're closing in! Keep running and follow my directions!" I shouted. "Left!" She obeyed. "Left!" She dove into the next alley. "Good! Now left, no right!" She slipped on the loose dirt and fell. I dropped to the ground. "Are you okay?" She winced as she pulled herself to her feet.

"There she is!" The adults tackled her!

"Leave her alone! She didn't do anything to you!" I tried kicking the adults only for my foot to phase through. "Why isn't this working?! Why aren't they paying attention to me?" I bent down. "Kasumi, are you okay?" A scary man walked up. I fell out of his way.

"Get up, all of you. I will not hesitate to use force." He said. He grabbed Kasumi by the arm. "The priestess requested your presence." He carried her away as I was taken back out of the scene.

"Lily?" Miss Ariel asked.

"Lily! Thank goodness!" Mr. Jackson smiled.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You grabbed that rock in your hand and passed out! Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "I think so, but I had a nightmare about Mr. Kaze and another girl named Kasumi."

"Me too. It must have something to do with those rocks. I can hold onto it, if you want." Mr. Jackson reached for it, but I smacked his hand.

"No! It's my new pet rock! Besides, I think she wants me to hold onto it for her."

"You don't feed or walk your one pet rock!"

"Yeah, why else do you think I'm not asking for a dog?"

He sighed. "You really see things through rose-colored glasses, don't you?" He looked up. "Oh, shoot! It's already 15:47! We need to go!" We charged into the kitchen where the others were waiting.

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