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My name is Stella. I am 25 years old and I live in a house in a town called Watford. I'm a pretty normal woman. I go to work, though I haven't been there in quite a while and I like to hangout with my friends on the weekends, except that that hasn't happened much lately either.

Before, I would get up in time for school, head to work after school and then hang out a bit with some of my friends; most likely that would be Keli or Tin.

Normal for me these days is waking up at 5.30 and having to feed my son because apparently, 5.30 is a great time for breakfast. After that, I throw him in the shower, then I try, and fail at taking a shower whilst holding him still in a chair next to me. At 7.45 I lock the door and head to the car, then I drive him to preschool. I'm back home around 8 and that's when I eat breakfast, gets undressed and head back to bed for a couple of hours.

Around 11, my fiancee calls and asks how everything is going, and like always I say that it's fine and that I am busy with something so I'll have to call him back later.  And I do call him back, whilst I'm in the car to go pick up our son from preschool around 3.

After we get back home, I make dinner and we eat around 5 and then at 7, he's back in bed and I normally read him a story so he's asleep at7.30

I end the day with picking up his toys, taking a quick shower and then heading to bed with my laptop so I can write a bit. The writing is probably something I should mention... I have been writing for some years, even published a book a while back which went to number one on the lists within days of it's release.

What did I write about?
I wrote a urban fiction book about two sisters, who after they experience something life changing, decides to go back in time to stop their father from being born.

And how's Niall? Let's start with establishing that he is not the one who had to push a head out of his vagina, he also isn't the one who had to feed someone through his boobs and therefor he was free to do alot of other things, like audition for different guitar gigs. After our son turned 1, Niall went off every night to play some gigs down at a bar. And earlier this summer, he and his band went off on tour through Europe.
I love the fact that he gets to do what he loves, especially since he supported me with my dreams about writing my book. He even followed me around england on my book tour, stood behind me through every signing and reading. He was in full on support mood throughout everything,  which is why I am super supportfull of his decision to tour Europe during 4 months this summer.

Niall left in May and wouldn't return again until the beginning of September. When he told me, I admit I freaked out. I didn't know how to get by without him. I didn't know how I would get by with a 3 year old without support from Niall. I had been raised in a home with two parents, I didn't know how to be a part time single mum for 4 months. But Niall, with his sweet voice and expertise in concinving, convinced me that it would be fine.

And all was fine, all had been fine for 4 weeks now. Until today.

I woke up at 6, which is late for me because I always wake up when my son wakes up. Except today it would seem.
When I saw what time it was, I jumped out of bed and ran into my son's room, still carrying the fear of sudden childdeath in the back of my head. I looked down in his bed and saw that he wasn't there, which caused me to call out for him.

I didn't get an answer so I ran downstairs and kept calling on him, then I heard a drawer from the kitchen being closed and I directed my running in the direction of the kitchen.

With my heart beating faster than I've ever experienced before, I found my son trying to get up on his chair by the table and a table filled with food from the refigerator. There was everything from juice to pickles.

I looked at my son and took a deep breath.

"You're okay." I said and he looked up at me with the biggest smile, almost falling down from his chair.

"Hi mommy, I made breakfast!" He was excited and way to cute for me to be angry with him.
"I can see that. Why didn't you wake me up?"He shook his head and I walked over and sat down next to him by the table,

"Daddy always says that you need to sleep."
"Well daddy is... okay so what do you want to eat for breakfast then? Everything?" The smile on my sons lips spread wider and I knew that he was about to start joking,

"I want everything!" he yelled with one of his fists into the roof, and I couldn't do much more then laugh as I put a pickle and ham on his sandwich.

After breakfast, I took my son up to the shower to clean him up, then we hurried to the car and drove off to preschool.
We had picked out a preschool for our son where he would meet all kinds of people, because we thought it was important to raise him not to be a stuck up english brat. The school had four different departments, 2 for younger kids and 2 for older kids. My son went to a place called "blueberry" where there were kids in the ages 3-6.

On this particulary day, he refused to let go of me when we said goodbye. Even one of his teachers tried to drag him off me but he refused. Then he started crying and his arms around my neck grew tighter. I asked his teacher for a moment and she went back to the other children. I sat down on my knees and looked at my son and saw his bloodshot eyes,

"Honey, what's wrong?"
"I don't wanna go today." I nodded,

"I know, but it's only for a couple of hours and then we'll be back home again."
"Noooo I wanna stay with you mommy!" He continued crying and I was close to crying myself too, when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see a young girl standing there. She had blonde hair and a white little dress on, she reminded me of a young me. 

"Hi there." I said, trying to hold back my tears,

"Hello, my name is Sophie and I'm new."
"Hi Sophie, my name is Stella. This is my son-"
"Benjamin Molins" He said as he reached out his hand for Sophie. He had stopped crying and I looked at him, stunned. What the hell had just happened?!

"Do you want to play with me? I don't want to play with dolls, but the other boys won't let me play with legos."

"I will play with you, come on, I'll show you where the best lego is! Bye mommy!" He almost yelled as he and Sophie ran off. I looked around and shook my head,

"Okay then..."

I stood up and without looking, I turned around to walk out from thepreschool when I walked right into someone.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed as I kept my hands on the chest of the person I had just bumped into. I looked up and saw that it wasn't just a person, it was a man... a very tall man with a chest as hard as rock.

He just smiled,

"That's alright, you ok there?" he asked and all I could do was nod.

"Good. I see my daughter ran off with you son? It's only her second day here so I have to stay around the corner, but she seems to be doing fine."
"Oh you're Sophies dad? That's cool. I'm sorry for running right into you, I'm a bit disoriented
this morning. Haven't had my coffee."

I laughed a bit awkwardly and he smiled,

"Well as I said, I have to stay around the corner but there is a coffee shop just around the corner with really great coffee. You want to grab a cup?"

"Ehh yeah, sure. Why not?"

He nodded and opened the door which lead outside for me, then we walked to the coffee shop around the corner together.

Roomies - The Baby YearsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin