Chapter 4

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The clock turned 4.56 and there was a ring on the door. I put down the lid to the rice and walked through the kitchen, out to the front door. Benjamin were sitting in the sofa in the livingroom, looking at a show on the TV about sharks, but when he saw me walking towards thedoor, he turned it off and walked with me.

"Mum, is that them?" he asked with anticipation and I nodded,

"Hopefully, because I didn't invite anyone else." He smiled as we opened the door and Sophie basically jumped inside, throwing her arms around Benjamin,

"I have missed you!" she said and he looked around, a bit confused,

"Honey, let go of the poor boy." I heard a woman's voice say, and I figured it was Willa, she was not from England. I looked up at Eli and saw him holding Willa's hand as he smiled looking at his daughter, then up at me,

"Hi there!" he exclaimed and I let them inside.

"CanI take you jacket?" I asked Willa and she smiled at me,

"Thank you, but you can just show me where to put it." She said and I opened the closet door and let her hang it herself, then we shook hands,

"I'm willa, it's nice to meet you. Elijah has told me a lot about you."
"It's nice to meet you too, please come inside. Dinner is almost finished, just a few more minutes."
"It smells fantastic. Maybe we can enjoy some of this while we wait?" She said and took up a bottle of red wine from her huge bag, and Eli looked at me then back at his wife,

"Willa, I don't think-"
"Of course, that sounds like a great idea! Eli can show you out to the garden and I'll get some glasses." I said and looked at Eli, and he nodded then led his wife through the house and out to the sofa in the garden.

 I took three glasses and walked outside, seeing Benji and Sophie playing in the livingroom with Benji's lego.

Willa poured wine to all of us, and I took a sip with Eli watching my every movement. I had told him that I didn't drink alcohol, and I usually didn't but when someone comes to your house and brings wine, you drink it.

"Elijah has told me that you're a writer?" Willa said and I nodded,

"Yes,you could say that. I published a book a while ago, finishing up the second one at the moment."

"That sounds exciting. What do you write about?"
"Oh it's just fantasy."
"Right, like 50 shades of grey?"

I laughed,

"No, nothing like 50 shades of grey. More like... Harry Potter I guess."
"That's interesting, do you have a lot of readers?"
"There is a few. I'm actually going on my second book tour at the end of August, and I guess there is talks about making the first book into a tv series."
"Holy crap, that is incredible. Where will you be going?"
"Mostly around the UK, but there is a few dates in Canada and the states too, which I'm very excited about."
"I can only imagine! I admire people that has so much time on their hands that they can just sit at home and write all day, that is... admirable."

Did she really just give me a nice insult?

"Well, what do you do for a living yourself, Willa?" I asked and she took a hold of Eli's hand and smiled,

"I'm a lawyer, but I don't work for individuals, only for companies which makes me travel quite a bit because there is always a CEO getting sued for something, somewhere."
"Oh so you're not home much?"I asked and Eli looked over at me, thinking I would tell her everything he had said to me,

"No, well I'm home as much as I can but when work calls, you do what you have to."
"you are so right. Oh would you excuse me, I think that dinner is ready." I said and finished my glass of wine then went inside,

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