Chaper 31 - Epilogue

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I had never experienced anything like it, and I was sure I never would. My mother once told me that I was behaving badly towards the women I brought home, and I had seen in her eyes that she knew from first hand experience. I knew she was speaking of my father, uncle Harry had told me some things about his early years and how my father had seemed like a waste of space on earth until he met my mother.

The love between my parent's was like a more epic love story than that of Romeo and Juliet, and at 20 I was sure I would never find what they had found in each other.

My past girlfriend's were nice and all, but nothing compared to the love my uncle had told me about, the kind of love one would move mountains for. And literally move across oceans for.
That was the kind of love my parent's had. Not just before me, but also now.

As we are speaking, I'm back in England.

I come back here every year at the same time, no matter what. We go to the cemetery together, me, mum and dad. Sometimes Uncle Harry comes along, but as Finn got older, it happened less and less.

I didn't mind that though, I liked when it was just the three of us,and my sister.

We had some cake, then went back to the hotel. None of us were longer living in England.

My mother had moved to the states when I was 5, I moved over there at 12, and my dad moved over there just a few weeks ago.

It all happened at my graduation. Mum and dad spent the night being extremely loud. They even woke up my girlfriend Lucy, who then decided to clean the house with headphones in. After she had cleaned, she came back out to me and woke me up, and told me about my parent's. Her exact words were "there is some make up sex happening inside the house as we speak." and from those words, I understood something great was going to happen.

But I never thought this would happen.

When we got back to the hotel, my parent's went to their room, and I to mine. I took up my notebook and started writing down some feelings I had about the day. It was something my mother had told me to do a few years ago when I started having anxiety attacks. And it had worked, I was having a better understanding of the time and place of the attacks now because I was writing it all down.

I also wrote about Theresa, about Lucy and the rest of my family. But mosty about Theresa. There was something just missing inside of me, and I was sure it was because my twin wasn't by my side.

A few hours passed and there was a knock on my door. I went to open it and my parent's were standing there. They seemed to never leave each other's sides these days.

"Are you ready to go?" my mother asked, and I went back into my room and got my notebook, and my bag.
We left watford, drove to my grandfather's house only about 6 hours away. I made sure to get some rest before we got there because once we got their, my grandfather and his wife Mathilda would probably make me do stuff like clean the roof or something.

One summer, they made me clean out their shed, but they paid me so it was worth it.

Mum and dad sat in the front of the car, my mother holding my father's hand and at times he took her hand and kissed it whilst still focusing on the road. One could never tell these two had once hated each other.

When we arrived at my grandfather's, him and his wife greeted us out by the street. Their house was this big old place in which my mother had grown up with both her parents, and they had moved into it after my grandmother died. Apparently my grandpa wanted to keep my grandmother's memory alive and did so by living in her house.

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