Chapter 12

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Truth was, I had been jealous seeing Niall with his tongue down someone elses throat, but was that so strange? We had been together for 5 years, and known each other longer than that, I was bound to become jealous.

But today was a new day, it was THE day. Niall had moved to Harry and Livy's for a while until he could find himself a flat in town because he didn't want to be to far away from Benjamin, but as I was leaving for Canada in a couple of hours he had come over to the house to see me off and stay there a while with our son.

Eli and I had decided that he would pick me up at the house, then we would drive to the airport and meet the rest of my team there (which literally consisted of my agent John and his assistant).
I was putting the last of my things into my suitcase when there was a knock on my bedroom door,

"Mommy, Sophies daddy is here!" I heard my son yell from the other side of the door. I opened it and saw him stand there with an ice cream,

"You eating sweets this early?" It was just before lunch time but apparently, Niall didn't care. Ben nodded then walked back to the staircase to walk downstairs,

"I'll tell him that you are coming, mommy." he said in a chipper voice as he made his way back down to the hallway.

I went back into the bedroom and looked around the room to see if I had forgotten anything. My passport!

I went over to the nightstand and opened the first drawer, found my passport lying on the top of an old picture of Niall and myself. I took it up and looked at it, we were around 19 and had just cooked a five course meal for Harry and the other guys. We had been so proud that we had taken a picture in front of the food. Of course Niall wasn't very happy to get his picture taken but he did it anyways.
I took the picture and put it at the bottom of my suitcase, closed it up and made my way downstairs with my suitcase in one hand and my passport in my handbag.

Niall stood in the hallway, Benjamin by his legs and Eli in the doorway. As I walked down the stairs, all of them looked up and Eli smiled,

"Here, let me help-"
"I've got it." Niall interrupted him and walked over to get my bag, I looked at him and shook my head,
"I'll manage, thanks." I came down and hugged Eli with one arm whilst holding on to my bag with the other.

"I'll put your bag in the car, you say goodbye." he said and grabbed the bag from my hand then walked away.

I looked after him and when he was far away to not be able to hear what I said, I turned back to my family, got down on my knees in front of Benjamin and pulled him into a hug.

"Oh god, I am going to miss you, munchkin." I said and hugged him tighter,

"I love you so so much, Benjamin. Please be kind to your dad, and don't forget to say your please and thank you's, ok?"
My son nodded and gave me a kiss on the cheek, and that was when I felt that he had ice cream around his mouth.

"I love you too mommy."
"I love you, now go wash off the icecream from your face, sweetie." I said and he ran off to the bathroom, and I stood up and looked at Niall.

"What happened the other day...-" I started,
"Don't mention it, let's file it away as a mistake. As a way of saying goodbye, okay?" he answered and took his arms around me,

"Have a safe flight, call us when you get to the hotel so we know you're ok." he said and kissed me on my other cheek before letting go of me, as innocently as my son had kissed me. I nodded,

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