Chapter 9

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Niall and Benjamin came home late on Sunday night. I hadn't realized how much I had missed my son until he walked through the doors with one of Niall's caps on his head and a backpack thrown over his shoulder.I had seen Niall's car pull up from the window so I had been waiting for my son in the hallway and when he opened the door and saw me, he threw his backpack on the floor and ran over, then jumped into my arms. God I loved this little kid, he was literally my reason for living these days and I couldn't picture living without him. Although that was something I would have to get used to, at least living every second week without him.

Niall came into the house too, and he was carrying a box. I kept Benjamin in my arms as I stood up and looked at Niall.

"Hi, how was the trip?" he nodded,

"It was fine. Dad had some boxes left from mum and there was one with your name on it." he put it down on the floor next to the stairs.

"Oh, what is it?"
"No idea, I didn't look. I thought I'd leave the two of you alone to talk about the trip, I can go and pick up some pizza?" he didn't look at me once,
"Sounds good, thanks." I answered and Niall turned around and walked out again.

I took benjamin's bag and we went upstairs to his room whilst he was telling me a joke his grandfather had told him.

Niall's pizza run took a little less than two hours and when he came back, he looked exhausted.

"The whole freaking town is having pizza tonight." He said as he put down the boxes on the table. Ben opened one of them and smelled it, then ran into the kitchen for a scissor.

I looked at Niall,

"Are you okay?" I said and he kept looking away from me, and just nodded.

"Because you haven't looked me in the eyes once." He took a deep breath and looked at me, and I could see sadness in his eyes.

"Well what can I say, it's hard to look at you and pretend that everything is alright."
"But we agreed that this was best for everyone."I said,

"Yeah and then I got a text from Harry saying that you weren't alone in the house and I got this feeling... I wish you knew how bad that made me feel." I couldn't believe him, trying to blame me for his shitty feelings when he was doing the exact same thing to me, only not in the house.

"I can imagine it felt almost as shitty as it felt finding out about Valerie."

Niall suddenly stopped breathing for a second and bit the inside of his cheek, then something changed in his eyes and I had seen that look every single time he had walked out on me before. He started walking past me but then Ben came back to the table and called for his dad. He stopped and I saw his shoulders relax, he turned around and with a smile on his face, he sat down next to Benjamin.

Dinner then proceeded greatly. After having finished, Ben asked if he could watch a film in the livingroom and I couldn't say no so we started Teenage Ninja Turtles as he laid down with his blanket and watched.

I walked out to the kitchen where Niall was folding away the pizza box.

"He's watching a movie so if you want to leave, you should probably do it now." I said and grabbed a wine glass from the cabinet then took out a bottle of wine from the fridge.

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