Chapter 19

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A couple of days passed and I was standing in my bedroom on the second floor of the house. There was some calming music playing on my phone next to me where I was standing in front of the mirror looking down at my choice of clothing for the day. It was a day for black clothes,and so I was wearing a black dress with sleeves and had my hair up in a ponytail.
As I was looking at myself, the door to my bedroom suddenly flew open and Benji came walking in.

"mummy, is this ok?" he asked with a bored tone, looking down on his shirt and pants. He too was wearing all black, except on his shirt there was the text "Star Wars – the force awakens" written. I decided it was okay.

"You're looking dashing, my young prince." I said and motioned for him to come over to me, which he did. I sat down on the bed with my son on my knee,

"Do you know what we're doing?" I asked him and he nodded. This was the first year I was bringing Benjamin with me to the cemetary. He had been too young the previous years and I had decided to bring him with me this year, but only after explaining exactly why we were going.

"Yes, because my sister is in heaven and it's her birthday so we will leave flowers at her stone where we can also talk to her." he said and my heart melted. This three year old was too wise for his own good at times.

"That's right. But it is also your birthday, Benji, and I don't want you to think you can't be happy just because your sister isn't here. Okay?"
"I don't have my sister here and she don't have me in heaven but we will have birthday's anyways with cakes and presents! I think Theresa would love chocolate cake, like me!" he exclaimed with confidence and a small wink at me, as if to tell me not to forget his cake.

"I think she would too. Are you ready to go then?" I asked and my son nodded, jumping down from my knee and took my hand. We walked downstairs where Eli were waiting. He had dressed in an all black suit, out of respect for the day I figured.
"I'll be right back, just have to get my bag!" Ben said and ran into the kitchen. He soon came back with his blue backpack over his shoulders.

The car ride to the cemetary was morbid. I didn't say much and Benji kept asking if we were there soon. When we eventually arrived, my son got quiet. I jumped out of the car and opened the door to his side of the car, then he jumped out next to me and grabbed my hand tightly.

"Don't be scared, baby."
"This does not look like heaven..."Benjamin said and I kneeled down to him.

"This is not heaven, this is not where your sister is. This is only where we can visit a place where we remember her and talk to her and leave her flowers. Your sister is in a much prettier place." I explained and my son took a deep breath, looked around after Eli and then nodded,

"Ok. Daddy says that I am always safe if both mummy and daddy is around. Sophie's daddy is not my daddy but he is A daddy so it has to count." I smiled and Benji took Eli's hand as we started walking toward swhere Theresa's final resting place was.

"There it is." I said after us walking a few minutes and that's when Eli stopped in his tracks.

I looked at him and he let go of Benji's hand.
"Why don't you take a few minutes? I'll be right here." he said and smiled at Benjamin.
"You don't want to say happy birthday to my sister?" Ben asked with a confused look, and Eli shook his head,

"I would love to wish your sister a happy birthday, but I'm thinking maybe you should go and tell her that there is another person coming."

Ben let go of my hand and looked up at me,

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