Chapter 27

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It was Valentines Day. Ben was home but Niall had asked if he could spend the day with him and I had said yes. Ben and Niall was spending more and more time together, and I loved it. Not only were we going back into Niall having him every weekend, but I also got more time to be with Keli.
And Niall was doing incredibly well at AA meetings, his sponsor was even over for dinner with all of us the other day because Niall wanted to introduce her to us. She was a 45-ish year old woman with 14 years of sobritey on her keychain. She was incredible.

Either way. Niall was coming to pick up Ben today and we had just made lunch. Keli made heart pasta and meatballs in the shapes of hearts too, but it looked more like boobs, even Ben said so.

As we were sitting around the table, the doorbell suddenly rang and Ben got a excited look on his face,

"Is it daddy!" he exclaimed and jumped off his chair,

"You stay right there, young man!" I said and he stopped, then turned back and sat down on his chair again.

"If it's daddy, can he join us for lunch?" he asked and I nodded, "if he wants, of course." I answered him to which he told Keli that his daddy loved meatball boobs. I laughed as I opened the door and saw Niall. He was wearing a jeans jacket, black jeans and a Levi's shirt. He looked amazing.
We hugged and I told him about Ben's invitaton.

"Of course I'll stay for lunch." He said and took off his jacket, put it on the hanger and looked at me,

"There's something with you." he said with squinted eyes, I shrugged my shoulders and we walked into the kitchen. I sat down next to Keli again and Ben hugged his dad. The look on his face over the fact that Niall was joining us was priceless. That something so small could mean so much.

"Oh, a plate!" I said and Keli took her hand on my thigh and shook her head, "I'll get it." she said and smiled at me, I smiled back and then she got a plate from the cabinet for Niall. Niall looked at us both, then shook his head as Ben put some meatball boobs on his plate.

"Keli made these, she said they don't look like mummy's boobs but they look like boobs, right daddy?" Ben said and we laughed, Niall put a forkin one of them, examined it and shook his head, "nah, not like your mums." he said, then put it in his mouth.
"Okay enough about my boobs, thanks." I said, laughing.

During all of dinner, we were laughing and having a good time.

Then it came time for Niall and Ben to leave, and Keli offered to do the dishes whilst I said goodbye. We were standing in the hallway as Ben ran to say goodbye to Keli, and that's when Niall looked at me, with a questioning look,

"How long?" he asked,
"What?" I answered and he smiled, "You're obviously sleeping together!" he almost whispered, but with a smile on his face. I couldn't hide it, so I nodded.

"And that's all it is, sex. Nothing else, we just both need it."
"Well that's fucking sexy, I'll tell you that. You two have a good Valentine's day."

he said and winked at me, and I thought back on the times when another boy had looked at me and Niall had almost killed them. Now we were laughing over the fact that I was having a sexua lrelationship with a woman. How times had changed.

Niall and Ben eventually left, and I got into the kitchen and helped Keli put the rest of the dishes away.

"You look very sexy in those yellow gloves." I told her and she laughed, "Right! I'm thinking about making it into a every day look." she posed and I shook my head laughing. Then we cleaned up, grabbed two glasses and a wine bottle and made our way to the sofa.

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